Altered Composition Book Blog Hop

If you’re girly and you know it clap your hands!  Clap!  Clap!

Welcome to the Altered Composition Book Blog Hop!  After you finish seeing my creation you can scroll down to the bottom of this post for some blog candy (a give away item) and you can follow the rest of the great folks in the hop so you can see what they made. 🙂  I hope you enjoy it!

I took this boring composition book (found in any office supply store) and traced it’s shape onto a piece of cardstock.  Then I cut it out. 🙂

I’ve altered other composition books see HERE and HERE, but this is the first time I’ve used Mod Podge to do it.  You know what?  It’s my favorite way to make them now.  I used that sponge brush and rubbed Mod Podge all over the cover.  I used a sponge brush in my last post too.  I love those things and I buy them in bulk.

Once the notebook was covered in Mod Podge, I laid down the cardstock I’d traced and cut.  I was going to use my Brayer roller to flatten it out, but I couldn’t remember where I’d put it.  Instead, I turned my Mod Podge bottle on its side (with lid tightly sealed) and rolled and rolled until the paper was nicely stuck and bump and bubble free.

Next, I used my Cricut Expression 2 and the Cricut Forever Young cartridge to cut that pretty silhouette.  It’s cut at 7.5″ (hence the above photo).

I used things I had laying around.  Those blue flowers?  I’ve had them for years.  So happy I could make use of them!  That white background?  Cut with the Silhouette for a bunch of cards I started making, but never finished.  Piece of paper down the middle?  A scrap.  The ribbon and beading?  Well, that’s some ribbon and beading I have, LOL! I used Beacon Adhesive’s Fabri-Tac to glue both kinds of ribbon.

I created that sentiment on my computer (from the song “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera) and printed it onto cardstock vellum.  It was a good choice since it is easy to see through, but sturdy for the printer.  I didn’t make that flower, but I wish I could claim it!  LOL!  I did create the matching pen.  I talk about how I make matching pens in this post and add another tip in this post.  I had to add that pretty bling on the right which I picked up at the last craft show I attended (and I’ll be getting some more next week at CKC in Charlotte, NC…oh yeah!)

Lastly, I tied tulle around the front cover so it would look super pretty AND so the pen would have a place to live.  I hope you enjoyed my creation!

Your next stop on the hop is Abbey!  You can see the whole list at the bottom of this post.


It’s a set of Joy’s Life All Around Sentiments stamps & 2 punches!!  These stamps are made to work with 1″ and 1-1/2″ circle punches!  The winner will get these stamps and these Marvy 1″ & 1-1/2″ circle punches!  All you have to do is leave a comment on this post.  I’d love it if you’d “LIKE” me on Facebook too!  The link is to your left. 😉


lillian7419 Says: August 19th, 2011 at 9:08 AM
How delightful is this??!! I adore altering books and this gives me such great inspiration! And thanks for a chance at your generous blog candy as well.

Follow the links below to see some great creative ideas for altering composition books!  From what I hear, there’s some great blog candy too!  (That means people are giving some fun goodies away.  Woo hoo!)

Joy – https://www.joyslife.comYOU ARE HERE
Abbey -
Amanda –
Jin –
Kyle –
Lynda –
Margie –
Martha –
Melissa –
Tammy –
Theresa –

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  1. hee hee – well, there just went two hours of my day! I hopped all the way through and enjoyed every minute of it! So much inspiration! – off to do some crafting!

  2. Thank you for sharing that notebook!! I’ve always wanted to do that and never had confidence. Also I bought the Crop a Dile BIG BITE today and watched your tutorial video. Thanks for making sense of the blocks!! Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!

    1. Colpittwife,
      I am so glad my Crop a Dile video tutorial helped you! When I first got my Big Bite, I looked at it and thought, “Huh?!”. LOL! As soon as I figured it out wanted to share how it worked with everyone because I think it’s such a great tool! I use it all the time! 🙂
      Thank you!! 🙂

  3. Oh I just love the colors and the girl and that saying and well…the whole thing! LOL

  4. Hi Joy! Love your altered notebook! I also love these stamps! I would LOVE to win them!
    Also if you need a design team member I would love to have a chance!! 🙂 I am sure you get that all the time but I really, really would! 🙂
    mdowner at swnebr dot net

  5. I love your altered book. So much so that I went out and bought one to do myself. I always love your tutorials and the way you explain things. They are always so easy to understand and I love that you are not afraid of making mistakes. We all make them, but somehow it makes it a little easier when we see that the “experts” make them too. Thanks for the chance to win some of your stamps. I love the sentiments and also the font on all your stamps.
    Am I the only one that has trouble finding where to comment after I log in? I usually do find it but after I log in, I usually have to hunt and hunt before I find the pg, that lets me make my comment. Is there an easier way or is it just me?

  6. I am loving this hop. My teen daughter writes and doodles all the time. She like to embellish her “things” as well.
    A beautiful notebook you have created–the colors are wonderful and the book is inspiring.
    KristaInMN at gmail dot com

  7. What a cute idea! I’m going to have to give this a shot! Thanks!!

  8. I absolutely love these altered notebooks! I can’t wait to find the time to make a few myself:)

  9. What a great idea! Even if you just mod podge it and cover it with a different color paper to distinguish your kids from everyone elses!

  10. i hope i’m not too late to enter for the blog candy. i’ve been gone and couldn’t stand waiting for this hop. i plan on making a bunch of altered composition books and was looking for many diff. ideas. thanks.

  11. I bought a few of the mini composition books, but wasn’t sure how to best adhere the paper. Love the modge podge tip. Will try it on my next wordbook too. Thanks!

  12. ooh–so sorry, I was crafting on my computer (like a desk) and it entered that ^ It does not mean anything.

  13. I just found your blog. I love it. Thanks for all the inspiration and details. Your stamps look wonderful.

    Thanks for the chance to win.


  14. I don’t have any of your stamps, but they are on my wish list!! I also follow you on Facebook!! Thanks for sharing your ideas, knowledge and your giveaways!!

  15. thanks for sharing these great ideas! i just found your blog and look forward to seeing the other blogs along this blog hop.

  16. after seeing this my grandaughter had me make some for her and her friends they all loved them thanks for the ideas

  17. What an adorable notebook. I can’t wait to make one and a pen and a coaster… and on and on with all your wonderful ideas.

  18. I missed out on the great sale at Walgreens on the mini comp books but still hoping to find them on sale now that school has started. Beautiful creation! I love the tulle and vellum on the skirt.

  19. Staples is a super place to look for composition books on sale. I do love that Staples! Thanks for sharing your awesome ideas-my daughter will adore this kind of thing to look fancy for the 3rd grade!


  20. Absolutely beautiful notebook! I really love the sentiment so many of us need to hear it.

    nginerd at gmail dot com

  21. Cute idea. Would have never though of using the mod podge. Thanks for a chance to win a set of your stamps with punches. Thanks for all your suggestions.

  22. So pretty!! I’ve been thinking about ordering these stamps … I’d love to win them instead! 😉

  23. Your projects are always so pretty! And I love your stamp sets, they are just awesome. TFS!

  24. Great project! I love your stamps! I am a card maker & love how unique your stamps are! Thanks for the giveaway!

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