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Horchow Asian Blocks Knockoff Using Cricut Pagoda Cartridge & Vinyl

Horchow Magazine Knockoff I Created

I like looking at things in expensive magazines, but I don’t usually buy things from expensive magazines, especially if I can make it!  This is just such a case.  Look below to see what this costs in the Horchow magazine.

Ignore the part about the 60 watt bulb.  That went with another pricey item. 😉

I don’t know about you, but I’m not spending $275 on these blocks.  I’ll waste good money on something else use a tiny fraction of that money and make my own for about $10.  Oh yeah! 😀

I found most of these things at WalMart.

I already owned the Cricut Pagoda cartridge a Cricut and some gold vinyl.  So, you might need to buy those things.  However, you could easily make a stencil and use gold paint instead of the way I did this. The wood cost me .99 each and the 8oz bottle of paint was under $3 at WalMart, both are by Plaid.  I already owned a package of sponge brushes that I used for painting, but they are really cheap and can be found at Walmart or any craft store.

Need vinyl?  I like to buy mine from Expressions Vinyl.

She’s thrifty!  Wait, how much did it cost to get those cartridge acetate covers?  Ummm…

I paint!  Well, doing this and basic furniture and wall painting is the extent of my abilities.  You won’t see me doing any portraits, that’s for sure.  I used the clear acetate that goes around Cricut cartridges for my little palette.  Very thrifty!  Goodness knows I have enough of those containers laying around.

Gold vinyl is perfect for this project.  I got mine from Expressions Vinyl.

I cut the Kanji symbols at 3-1/2″.  The symbols I chose mean “five” and “love” because I have 5 people in my family.  Me, DH and 3 kiddos. 🙂  The Kanji words are hard to see on the cartridge’s booklet.  They are located in the “Kanji Word” area inside the bottom left hand image.  You might need a magnifying glass or use your Gypsy to zoom in and read the words.  I printed out a list of them and glued it to the inside of my cartridge box.

Next, I’ll apply the vinyl to the painted board.  By the way, you could get wood cut to any specifications at the hardware store, I just didn’t want to go to that trouble.  Also, I was mad that I didn’t already have a bunch of wood because we used to have tons of boards left over from martial arts. I got tired of them being everywhere, so I finally threw them out.  My husband is a 2nd degree black belt and all my kids are about to test for their 2nd degrees.  If I’d ever get back to class, I’d be testing for my black belt.  My favorite thing to do is break boards!  I can break them with a punch and/or a kick.  I do it without a glove or shoe the majority of the time.  It’s so empowering!

I’m so happy with the way this turned out!  I put it on my mantel (removing a now leafless orchid) and I liked it so much that I think I’m going to make 6 big canvasses for my living room wall! 🙂

Want to learn techniques for using vinyl with your Cricut? 
Check out my Cricut Vinylology DVD.


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  1. I’m so glad I came across you on a Google search! I’m posting my first comment on your blog, and I just wanted to express my enthusiasm for all your awesome ideas and my appreciation for you sharing them. This particular post is really really cool. Thanks!

    1. Kaperture,
      Thank you so much!! I’m so happy that you like this post and that you took the time to leave me a comment!

  2. Joy,

    Nice to meet you. I am relatively new to cricutting, and I have been pulling my hair out trying to search through all the pdf files of cartridge handbooks looking for a really awesome leafless tree with nice swirly branches. In your expertise, does any cart come to mind that might have one? I’d run out and buy the cart if I could find what I’m looking for for my project. Thanks again!


  3. That is really neat Joy! Love the whole idea of it! Maybe I can try it with something different! Gotta get off my “Chicken Suit” and cut me some vinyl! 🙂

  4. Love it! I never buy stuff like that especially when I know I can make it! Great share. Thanks!

  5. OMG that is simply marvelous! I just found your site from Cricut and just love this. I didn’t know to know half of this. Your projects are inspiring and I’m ready to let my mind work wonders (with your help).

    1. Thank you Jacgonzz! I’m glad you’re hear and I’m super happy that you’re enjoying my projects.
      THANK YOU!! 🙂

  6. Love it! I wish I had half your energy and talent. I check your blog daily to get inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hard to believe the price for the little blocks. Glad you were able to create your own. Good luck with the black belts…now you know you will need to save the wood.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  8. Awesome! I love finding/making wonderful projects to create expensive looks without the expense!

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