I’ve had so many projects to get done lately and guess what?  So have my kids.  Guess what else?  Each one of them has come to me and asked if I could make a little something for them to use in one of their projects.  I’ve made a tiny book using the Cricut, bound a poetry report using the Cinch,  made report titles using the Cricut and today made 25 menus using the Silhouette Cameo to be used as a timeline in a history class.  Whew!  Now that that’s out of the way, I can start my work.  Wait.  No.  Now I’m ready for a nap.  KIDS!!  LOL! 😉

25 Blank Menus & a Printer? It must be my kitchen!

The menu idea worked so well I wanted to share it with anyone who might be needing to make a timeline.  I used Lori Whitlock’s menu placecard file.  They were easy to put together once DH figured out how.  Why him?  Dude.  I was soooo busy!  He jumped right in and started folding them all.  He’s a good guy. 😉

Would also make good tombstones. Think Halloween.

These stand up really well on their own.  That’s very important, especially when dealing with 25 of them.

A parade of menu cards.

I didn’t do my kids project, I just made these menus.

No Mom was used in the making of this project...other than the menus.

 I’m glad my kid did this himself but I would have loved to make numbers and do more with the information area.  Whatever.  Let it go, Joy.  LOL!  Again, it wasn’t Mom’s project it was Kid’s project.  I do have to give huge thanks to Lori for making such an awesome Menu Placecard file.  It really saved the day when it came to needing a standing timeline.  You WOULD NOT BELIEVE all the stuff my kiddo had dreamed up for holding the date and info prior to my menu idea.  Let’s just say…I’m glad I got off easy with the menus.  LOL!

P.S.  This was another time that my VERY FAVORITE cheap (but heavyweight) paper came in handy.  I used it to make all of these menus.  Here’s a link: Wausau Paper 250 sheet pack.

Come See Me Tomorrow for a Coffee Gift Creation!

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  1. I really like those menu cards! Very cool! Still hoping Santa will bring me a silhouette… not sure it’s gonna happen with all those darn Cricut Machines I own…. I think he thinks I’m a little nuts! LOL So great that you can help your kids out with their school projects! Mine usually wait until the night before it’s due to say “MOM” can you help me with this! UGH! LOL

  2. I know what you mean about trying to stay hands-off with projects. I guess the years as a Girl Scout leader have trained me well with the “just let them do things they way they want and only give advice – leave no forensic evidence that you were involved with the project. If there are any of your fingerprints, tears or a drips of sweat then you’re gonna be in trouble with the school project police!”

    You’re a good mom, Joy, only providing the base for the project. And thanks for sharing with us other paper-crafty moms who are allowed to touch some paper for projects sometimes…

  3. Hi Joy I got to here because I can’t figure out how to fold these placemats any hints you would like to share on how this is done would be gladly received! Love the idea for a timeline very clever child you have there he has done a very good project, hope the mark was worth all that cutting and folding!

    1. Di,
      I have to tell you, it took both me and my husband to figure out how to assemble them. I can’t remember exactly how we did it but I’ll ask Lori if she might make a video about it. Once you figure it out, it’s not hard but initially…I just couldn’t “see” it.

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