Twine Wrapped Easter Egg with Glue Dots

Twine Wrapped Easter Egg with Glue Dots #Easter #EasterEgg #GlueDots #DIY #Twine

Grab some twine, Glue Dots® and a fake egg and start rapping wrapping.


 I bought those paper mache eggs super cheap at Michael’s after Easter last year.  I was cleaning my craft room last week when I suddenly thought of them.  They were still in the Michael’s bag and hanging from a clothes hanger in the armoire in my bedroom.  Bizarre.  I don’t know why I put them in there and am stunned that I even remembered.  What a weirdo.

I’m using Glue Dots® XXL adhesives.  Have you seen those massive dots?  They’re 2″ around!

Ahhh yeah.  I’m LOVING my twine in sugar dispenser storage.

That’s the XL Glue Dot on the egg.  The XXL dot is under the egg.

I had a great photo of the XXL dot on the egg but as it turned out I had a camera problem and didn’t realize it until the end of my project.  I took this photo of the XL dot later.  I mainly used the XXL’s on the egg though.  It doesn’t matter which one you use.  The XXL just helps you cover more of the egg so your twine has a lot of sticky places to attach itself.

Stick and wind, stick and wind.

If you don’t mind winding for a while, you’ll find this to be an easy project.  All you do is stick a Glue Dot® on the egg.  You can stretch the Glue Dot® out to cover more of the egg.  It will take several Glue Dots® to cover the whole egg.  Next, attach one end of the twine to the egg and start wrapping.  I suggest starting with an end of the egg, as opposed to beginning in the middle.  Stick the end of the twine to the egg and make a tight circle to start.  From the tight circle begin winding out, out and out until you’ve covered the whole egg.  Finish the egg by making another tight circle on the other end.  TA DA!!  You now have a twine covered egg.

Twine Wrapped Easter Egg with Glue Dots #Easter #EasterEgg #GlueDots #DIY #Twine

Does this basket look familiar?  I created it in this post.

I wrote this blog post while participating on the Glue Dots® design team.

Wishing you crafty success with your projects!

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  1. Thats really CUTE Joy! Someone told me the other day about using glue dots on real hardboil eggs and adding glitter where the dots are…. She said it makes For easy Easter Egg decorating! 🙂 I might try both…. Of course yours I’ll try on a fake egg! LOL

  2. Awesome idea, and a great way to attach the twine–with the Glue Dots! I saw some twine topped cupcakes on the cover of “Scrapbooks, Etc.” but they didn’t tell what adhesive they used. Thanks for the cool idea!

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