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Simple Spooky Spider Soap with Vinyl

Spider soap, spider soap (sing to Spiderman theme)

Spooky spider soap is super easy, super fun and pretty disgusting. All in all, PERFECT for Halloween wouldn’t you say?


Soap – .88 from Walmart. I was able to pull off the label from the front and the back, but then I needed Goo Gone to help me remove the rest of the sticky residue.

That’s a little scraper that I got free with an order I placed with Stampin’ Up a while back. It was just what I needed to help me lift the edges of the label so I didn’t break a nail.

Some of my Joy’s Life friends have been able to find Goo Gone at the Dollar Store. Where was I on that one? I bought mine at a craft store for full price.

I LOVE those Tim Holtz Scissors! I used them to help me cut the backs off of some spiders. Now is the time to pick up bags of bugs and spiders. These were on sale for .79 at my local grocery store. Even better to buy them after Halloween and really save! Then you have to wait until next year to use them though, unless you celebrate spooky Thanksgiving. That’s a tradition I’m not sure will catch on.

I cut the ring parts off of the spiders.

It’s always weird to find yourself cramming spiders into a liquid soap dispenser and yet, there I am.

I thought that looked pretty good, but it still needed something. So, I turned to my BFF…vinyl!

I used my Imagine to cut my vinyl, but I didn’t need to color anything.

Happy Hauntings cartridge…I heart you!

This “creepy” sentiment is straight from the Happy Hauntings cartridge.

Creepy Soap...perfect for scaring my guests in the guest bath!

That was a fun and easy Halloween craft. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I can’t wait until my kids happen upon it. I just switched it out and put away the dull Bath and Body Works one that was in there. Hee…hee…hee. I’m dreaming up more things to cram into the soap!


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  1. OMG, you really upped the fab quotient on an old stand-by. Love it! Definitely need to make for my spider-loving DS.

  2. I’ve been looking for some easy fun ideas for my kids’ Halloween-themed birthday party…this one is perfect! They’re gonna love it….TFS! Oh, I have a few eyeballs to add to the mix….double, double, toil and trouble!!

    ~Sharon C.

  3. This is so cute! I love it. I can see it now….Christmas themed….Valentines….etc. 🙂

  4. Oh Joy!! This is soooo creepy and cute at the same time. What a clever idea!! My kids are going to love this. Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. Now THAT….is a REALLY…CUTE idea, Joy! Where did you get that idea from? I absolutely and totally love it. Do you know if that Goo Gone works on the clear labels on starbucks Frappacchino bottles? Do you think you can try it if you haven’t and let me know? I have several bottles soaking in my sink right now and it’s still a pain to remove those labels…but if the Goo Gone works…I’ll buy it….and then I’ll make you something special. 🙂

  6. Awesome idea! Will definitely do this one for the grandkids! You never cease to amaze with all your ideas! Thanks so much for such wonderful creations!
    thomfam at inreach dot com

  7. I love the soap, very creative. I never would have thought of doing that and so easy. Thanks

  8. That is sooo cute!! I will do that for my G-babies.They will love it! But I bet they will be digging the spiders out!! LOL!! ;~D TFS Joy!! Love it !!

  9. Joy I love you, you may of just solved a problem!!!! My friend has two little ones (my god children) ages 3 and 4 and is having problems encouraging them to wash their hands after using the bathroom. However they love to do this at my house as I have a soap container that I have had forever which has sea creatures in it and they like to see if they can catch them. I would never of thought to make one for them, I was going to give my one to them but it is such a talking point in my cloakroom I am loathed to. Perfect plan off to go by some supplies, thank you so much I will let you know if it works lol.
    Kim xXx

  10. I love this to!!! When I see some of your creativeness I just say, “why didn’t I think of that”, then I go, “oh, I know my name is not Joy”!!!! LOL You rock!!!

  11. It’s a JOY stopping by each day to see what you have done. You are soooooooooooooooooo good and I hope some of your talent rubs off on me.

    Thanks for sharing.

  12. This is so cute and easy. Best part of it is, I read this before I went to the store today. YAY!! Can’t wait to let my son make a couple. Love this site!!!!!!

  13. How cute!! I have plenty of these spiders hanging around from years passed. I was wondering what to do with them! Thanks!

  14. What a great idea…my mom will flip for this one when I tell her about it. She will be cramming all kind of things in her soaps now…anything to make the grandkids happy 🙂

    BTW…is that glittery nail polish you are wearing? Looks like a fun with Stickles on it 🙂

  15. So clever! Just when I couldn’t figure out what to do with the extra spiders! You ROCK!

  16. This is great! A simple, inexpensive decor idea with a punch, LOVE IT! I’m going to try my hand at making one.

  17. Very cute! My boys would love this – although they’d probably want to get the spiders out to play with them. I need to run out to get supplies to make Halloween goodies for my son’s preschool class, I’ll have to make sure I have some extra spiders!

  18. After halloween, you can change the “creepy” to a spiderman logo.
    Thanksgiving, pony beads in white, yellow, orange, brown or confetti leaves from the dollar store.
    I could go on I should stop. But point is, any holiday or season. You could also use glue on gems (inside) stick on (outside) for all the princesses out there.

  19. I have seen something similar to this, but I love the way you put the “bugs” in there! SO CUTE! Great job again!

  20. Went out and bought soap and spiders. I don’t have the Happy Hauntings cart . Any ideas on what else I can do with it?

  21. This would be great to take to my son’s halloween party at school. What a fun way for all of the kids to wash up before their treats!

  22. OK, this is awesome! But I am a huge arachnophobe so I may try this with little plastic pumpkins or maybe I can find some witch hats…..so I don’t creep myself out every time I go to wash my hands! LOL

  23. Great idea- even for my older boys. I can’t wait to what elae you come up w/ to cram in the soap bottles.

  24. My kindergaten students would love this, but we don’t have a sink in our classroom. Wonder what spiders would do in hand sanitizer, hmmm

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