Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2

Here’s the rest of our New Orleans adventure!  If you missed the first part you can check it out here: Day One and Day Two Part 1.

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #NapoleonHouseRestaurant #Muffaletta #PimmsCup #courtyard #roadtrip

While we were enjoying our tour a sudden thunderstorm evolved.  The thunder was so loud rumbling through the streets of the French Quarter.  It was like the end of days!  Ok, not that bad but still.  Loud, reverberating and I’ll admit…a little nerve wracking.  We could see the storm coming our way.  Down one end of the street it was clear but the way the tour was heading it was as black as midnight.  Our tour guide had just finished telling us about the Napoleon House Restaurant, so guess where we headed?  Yep.  We left the tour and took cover just in time.

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #NapoleonHouseRestaurant #Muffaletta #PimmsCup #courtyard #roadtrip

I mean…just…in…time.  AND…I kid you not, the restaurant had been closed for the past seven days for vacation and opened the moment we walked up.  Then they asked if we’d like to sit in the courtyard!!!  YES!  Other people sat inside the restaurant but they really missed out, I think.  The courtyards in NOLA are the best part!  So, there we sat amazed at our good fortune, watching the rain.  Click this link to watch a video and hear the rain!  You’ll notice they were doing some construction in the courtyard but it was still lovely.

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #NapoleonHouseRestaurant #Muffaletta #roadtrip

My tiny daughter ordered the muffaletta sandwich and we halved it.  It’s GIGANTIC!  I’d never had one but it was delicious!!!  I couldn’t even finish half of it.  Maybe because of the liquor…

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #NapoleonHouseRestaurant #PimmsCup #roadtrip

So, about the liquor.  The tour guide told us that the Napoleon House had the best Pimms Cup in NOLA.  I was like…God, I hope she said PIMMS because it sounded like pimps and I don’t even want to know about that.  KWIM?  Anyway, since we were there, lucky me, I ordered one two of them and they were GREAT!

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #NapoleonHouseRestaurant #Muffaletta #PimmsCup #courtyard #roadtrip

Pimm's Cup Drink - Napoleon House New Orleans
I had this delicious and refreshing drink on my recent trip to New Orleans. You can read more about it on This is what the Napoleon house has to say about it, "Created in 1840 in England, Pimm's still claims to be "made to James Pimm's original recipe, a closely guarded secret known only to six people." It's the perfect beverage to complete your experience at the Napoleon House. While we're providing the recipe below, be warned, home concoctions of the Pimm's Cup, no matter how accurate, for some reason, never taste as good as those at the Napoleon House."
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  • Ice
  • Pimm's #1
  • Lemonade
  • 7 up


  • Fill a tall 12 oz glass with ice and add 1 1/4 oz. Pimm's #1 and 3 oz lemonade.
  • Then top off with 7up.
  • Garnish with cucumber.
Course Beverage

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #NapoleonHouseRestaurant #Muffaletta #PimmsCup #courtyard #roadtrip

A well balanced French Quarter meal where the liquor costs nearly as much as the food.  Doin’ it right.  LOL!  Is this a good place to add that we also had water?

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #roadtrip

When the rain stopped, we continued our tour.  Well, it was a tour that the two of us completely made up since we’d long since departed the actual tour.  So, the caption here is, “This is a place that we saw that I thought looked cool.  It’s somewhere in the French Quarter.”

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #roadtrip

Here’s the rest of the place.  Did you see the Psychic sign in the photo above?  This is just to the left of that.  I know you want to know…did we walk down Bourbon Street?  Of course!  Then we felt like we needed a shower and Jesus so we left there and toured the inside of the cathedral, which you saw here.  I kid you not.  Though we did have to wait on the shower.

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #CafeDuMonde #FrenchQuarter #roadtrip

After the church, we headed to Cafe Du Monde for beignets and cafe au lait.  If you go to New Orleans, you must do this.  It’s just part of being there.  If you can’t tell, beignets are basically powdered donuts.  Try not to breathe in while you move it close to your mouth or you might inhale powdered sugar and start coughing and hacking and drawing attention to yourself while people watch to see if you’re going to live or not.   Um…not that I know from personal experience or anything.  (I totally inhaled powdered sugar and coughed and sneezed until my eyes were watering.  True story.)  BTW, I’m not a fan of cafe au lait but I got a cup anyway.  What I do think rocks is their French roast.  We ordered 3 more cans of it since we’ve been home.  (Oh!  Bring cash!  Cafe Du Monde is cash only.)

Listen to the music and see a little bit of the cafe in this video.

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #FrenchQuarter #tour #roadtrip #Landrys

We did some shopping after Cafe Du Monde, took a photo of the Cathedral from a distance and headed back to our car but not before eating again.  This time we’re at Landry’s, mostly because we parked in the lot across from it.  We only ordered a cup of gumbo to share because we hadn’t had any so far and I insisted that my daughter try some, even though she kept telling me she’d had it before and didn’t like it.  Um, sorry babe.  That was kind of mom-as-travel-guide-you-must-try-it-in-New-Orleans ridiculous.  We tried it, it wasn’t the best I’d ever had.  We did get a muffuletta to go though.  I’m totally serious.  We split it for dinner.  It was made a little differently than the one we had earlier and was much smaller.

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #MagazineStreet #Sucre #macaroons #roadtrip

At this point, if you were kind enough to have said that all the walking we did that day balanced out the food we ate, you can stop now.  I appreciate your effort but…I blow all reasoning here.  Our last stop is on Magazine Street.  Add it to your NOLA trip, it’s Sucre!  I bought the biggest cupcake and ate it later that  night.  It actually wasn’t that good (I hate to say it but it’s true) but it sure was pretty!  It seduced me with it’s sparkly edible glitter.  Anyway, the real reason we went was for the macaroons.  I’ve you never had a macaroon, I beg you to find a great place that makes them and try one.  They are delicious.  Check out the pink one at the bottom, glittered!

Mom & Daughter Trip to New Orleans Day 3 Part 2 #NOLA #NewOrleans #MagazineStreet #Sucre #macaroons #roadtrip

We got a macaroon variety pack, plus a few eat on the spot.  Delicious.  My daughter had never had macaroons and now she wants them for her birthday.  Well, that and probably some other things but still.  Macaroons!  Score!  Oh, I almost forgot.  The very next day, Reese Witherspoon stopped into Sucre.  Just missed her!

And then on the way back to our hotel in Mobile, we …

Well, I’ll tell you that in the final Mom & Daughter trip post!

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One Comment

  1. Joy,
    I can’t believe you kept us waiting for days…just like a TV series. WOW, the area is fabulous, love the architecture. You are too funny about pimps…that’s what I thought I saw at first glance…did I mention the “red light” district? The rain was mighty powerful, and loud. So what is a muffaletta made of? Oh, and the thing about the powdered sugar…been there, done that…they should put a warning label. The beignets look so yummy, as do the macaroons…what a variety. And you’re doing it again…no fair! Well, it looks like you and your daughter had a grand time. Thank you for the virtual tour. I guess I’ll have to wait for the next episode. 🙂

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