Have you ever picked sunflowers? I hadn’t until last week’s mini-uno-day-cation with the kiddos. After we left the Blue Willow Inn for lunch we headed to this absolute TREAT of a place, a lovely Sunflower Farm in Rutledge, GA.

There is so much to see at this wonderful place, both big and small.

Part of the price of admission includes being able to tour the 1811 house. It’s a MUST SEE.

Yes, they have sunflower fields…LOL but first you need to see a bit of the 1811 house.

It’s like being Goldilocks when you find this house…except everything is JUST RIGHT, first time out. I wanted to show you all the photos I took, but I don’t want to ruin the surprises it holds. Don’t let my “no flash” photo spook you. It’s not a creepy place. There’s an upstairs too! Speaking of the stairs…they are the steepest I’ve ever seen. Cool! 😉

See, I told you there were sunflower fields! We’re getting to them … right after we pose with a tractor or two.

TA DA! Sunflower fields! I thought this photo that Super Son #1 took was kinda cool of me and my daughter. We didn’t plan to wear the same colors. I wanted to wear something bright but … um … well…I need to do some laundry. LOL! This was available and clean. Hey, sometimes that’s how it goes, right?
You have to use pruning shears to cut through the stalks. My son found a sunflower as tall as he is. He cut it down and toted it all over the fields. It was hilarious.

Super Son #1 was so sweet to carry our sunflowers everywhere. Here he is trying to get his giant sunflower through the door as we left. We had quite a time getting it in the car. He came up with the idea to wet some paper towels and wrap them around the base of the sunflower using my ponytail band. That was a very good idea, so down went my hair and happy was his sunflower. It is now standing in his room…quite tall.

There are a lot of cool things to see and do at this farm. Want to go? You’re in luck! This weekend they are having a HUGE festival. Don’t miss it!

I wasn’t even a fan of sunflowers before going to the farm. Now I’m trying to figure out how to have them in my kitchen all the time. I’m really enjoying looking at them.
Going to the Sunflower farm cost the 4 of us $15 for admission which included the bucket and as many sunflowers as we could put in it. We could have added more but stopped when we felt we had enough. 😉 We also spent $2 each on 2 Coke’s in glass bottles. I have to tell you that these mini-uno-day-cations have started changing our weekends too. For the past two weekends, Super Dad has traveled around Georgia with us and we’ve all had a great time. I hope you’ll set out to find a few new adventures in your area.
Joy, I don’t know how I missed this post the first time around! Love the 1811 house, it reminds me of Lang Pioneer Village near Keene Ontario. We’ve gone during pioneer days and they’ve made pies, cheese, bread and other things like the did in the 1800’s. Pretty cool.