Last summer, I had the best time exploring Georgia with my children on short one day vacations aka: daycations while DH was working.  Read about those trips here.  This summer, I was sick for a great deal of it so we haven’t been able to do much of anything until now.  The happy news is that I’m finally better!  So we were all the more grateful to be able to go enjoy some family time this weekend.  Here’s what we did!

The Soda Fountain Cafe

Soda Fountain Cafe – Cleveland, GA

We drove almost an hour to get here and it was totally worth it!  Not far from Helen, GA is the Cleveland, GA town square.  Across from Nix Hardware and inside Cleveland Pharmacy and Gifts, you’ll find the Soda Fountain Cafe.  When we walked in, it was meant to be.  The whole place was full except for one 6 top table.  Excellent!  There are 5 of us, me, DH, our 2 sons and our daughter, so we had plenty of room.  We were so hungry when we got there and I’m glad we were.  The food was terrific!  I got a burger, onion rings and a chocolate milkshake.  Delicious!  After tasting one of my daughter’s fries, I was sorry I hadn’t ordered those.  They were worth the drive.

The Georgia Burger

 DH tried the “Georgia Burger”.  It had grilled peaches on it!  He’s a terrific cook but said it wouldn’t have occurred to him to serve peaches on a burger.  He LOVED IT!  I’m betting I’ll see peaches incorporated into his cooking soon.  He said it went really well with the grilled onions.  My daughter got a patty melt, oldest son a double burger, youngest son got a Hawaiian burger.  Our shakes were terrific and we were all full of compliments for the meal.  The young lady who served us was so sweet and attentive.  We plan to go back the next time we go toward Helen, GA.  BTW, it’s inside a pharmacy which my youngest thought was super cool.  We talked about how that was the way soda shops used to be.

Heading toward Helen, GA

A group of cows in the distance.

Going through Helen, GA can be a challenge.  It doesn’t look like it, what with the cows back there, the lush green field and the rolling hills but there can be an annoying glut of traffic here.  Actually, that’s how this photo was taken…while we’re stuck in an extremely long line of traffic.  Helen, GA is a draw for many people.  It’s touristy but is interesting and fun.  It’s an Alpine village in the middle of GA.  Yep.  That’s what I said.  The traffic can be really, really bad so if you head there, especially during Oktoberfest or on a weekend, you need to prepare yourself.  We didn’t visit Helen this time, just drove through.  We were headed to Anna Ruby Falls, not to be confused with Ruby Falls in Chattanooga, TN.

To Anna Ruby Falls We Go!

Don’t worry!  I didn’t find any actual snakes this time.  If there is one to be found, you can bet I’ll find it.  It’s like a horrible talent.  I sat on a baby one when I was pregnant and weeding the garden.  Yes.  I actually told that story on myself.  AND…I killed it when I did that.  Yep.  That happened. I have a horrific story about trimming the hedges and getting one wrapped around my hedge clippers.   That also ended very badly for the snake. You know what? Let’s just move on to the signs I saw.  LOL!

Copperhead, just stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine.
Respect the rattlesnake.

Did these warnings keep me from taking this walk?  NAH!  Now if it said I’d find a sloth, I’d have gotten back in the car.  Those things freak me out.  They swim like people.  That’s just not right.  LOL!  Anyway, I took this walk with my husband and kids to enjoy the day, be with nature and see this awesome double waterfall.

Double Waterfall

TA DA! A snake free double waterfall experience!

Anna Ruby is a double waterfall with a nice paved path from beginning to end.  The walk to the falls is not far but can be steep and moderately difficult for some people depending on health and fitness.  In general, most people will not have any problem making this walk.  I’ve been sick and had to stop a few times.  It is not as steep as this walk we took last year!  Isn’t this pretty?  DH took this photo with his phone.

I stood on a rock to get this shot.  LOL!  Thank goodness I didn’t fall in or drop my phone!  This was such a lovely walk and day.  It started to rain as our walk began but stopped just as quickly.  YAY!

Would you like to know what this rushing water looked AND sounded like?

Check out my video on Instagram!  You can follow me on Instagram too.  I put things there that I don’t always share here.

I love exploring our state!  Do you have any places you like to go with your family?  Tell me about them!

Put your explorer hat on and enjoy the day!


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  1. Wow, what a beautiful place!! You’re pics are amazing, I can’t believe those are from your PHONE!!

    Can’t say I would be happy about those Copperheads tho! EEK! We have plenty of Rattlers around here, NOT a fan of those either!! 🙁

    Thanks for the link to the sloth video, I thought that little guy was SOOO CUTE! Never knew they swam like that!!

    And lastly…. LOVE the new easier way to comment!! 🙂

    Big Hugs!!

    1. I can’t believe they’re from my phone either! They really came out well. I took my big camera but when it started raining I covered it with a plastic bag and never took it out again. I’m with you about the Copperheads AND the rattlers. I’d like to avoid the possibility of running into either of those dudes! I’m so glad you like the easier commenting. I’m thrilled to have it working better. YAY! You and I are going to have to have a talk about how creepy the sloth swimming is though. LOL! They freak me out, Lori! 😉
      Super hugs,

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