
How to Cut Gum Paste in a Cricut Expression Video

Check it out!!  I cut gum paste with my Cricut Expression!!
If you’d like to see how I converted my Cricut Expession into a Cricut “Fake” Cake, go check out this link to see those videos.

Here’s Part One:

Here’s Part Two:

I had a blast trying this out. You might dedicate a specific Cricut for this food option, because no one likes to eat paper and glue pieces, LOL!

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  1. I just watched your video for cutting gumpaste using your Cricut Fake. I am going to try it today. I have a cake decorating business (not so much for profit) and this will help speed things up. I make my cakes with all edible decorations and do it now by hand. This will make it much easier. Thank you for your videos, you help explain the Cricut so much better than the video that comes with the

    1. Dkmorrison,
      Your cakes are so pretty! I can’t wait to see what you create next! I’m so glad you enjoyed the video. It’s always nice to hear that they help too. 🙂
      Thank you for leaving me a comment and for watching my videos!

  2. Hi Joy,
    Love your videos! Here’s a link on YouTube you should check out. It’s a demo of using a product called Sugarveil in the Xyron wishblade. This product cuts a much cleaner, more intricate cut and is a lot easier to work with than that nasty gumpaste IMO! If I were going to make cakes it is definitely what I would be using instead of wrestling with that playdoh-like product. It probably even tastes better.

    1. Judy,
      I’m glad you reminded me of that. I saw it before and thought it would be a great product. I think it really is perfect for cake decorating! I bet it tastes better too. Putting it on my gotta get it craft list! 😀

  3. I use a wet towel under mats when they move or under cutting boards and it works great!

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