
Halloween Spider Card Using Martha Stewart Spiderweb Punch, Cricut Doodlecharms & More

This card was time consuming, but fun!

Ok, this card came about because I wanted to use some different techniques.  I just did my “tests” using Halloween themed things.  That way, if my tests even remotely worked out I’d have a good chance of being able to use the things together!  Then…a card was born. šŸ˜€

I’m taking a deep breath while I figure out how to begin telling you all the stuff I did…

<deep breath> … and release…  Ok, I’m better…now to begin…

What I Used:

  • Paper – Stampin Up Only Orange, PaperTrey Ink True Black
  • Ink – Martha Stewart Copper, Colorbox Pigment Brush Pad Black
  • Punch – Martha Stewart Spiderweb Corner Punch, Ek Success PSPNP11 1-1/4-Inch Paper Shapers Circle Nesting Punch
  • Cricut Cartridge – Doodlecharms (for the spider)
  • Cuttlebug Embossing Folder – Boo to You, Spiderweb
  • Black Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel – by Suze Weinberg (found at Hobby Lobby in boxed set)
  • Embossing Stamp pad
  • The spider eyes are brads I got from Michael’s.
  • Here’s a link to all the stuff I used and how I made those round embellishments!

Here’s how I Made this Card:

  1. I punched the corners of the orange paper with the MS spiderweb punch.Ā  I don’t really like that I left the back of the card square, but I wanted to show you that you can punch the top corners by themselves.Ā  Tomorrow, I will list all the info you need to use those Martha Punch Around the Page punches.
  2. I inked around the edges of the orange paper with the little Colorbox brush pad.Ā  It’s tiny.
  3. I ran that black paper through my Sizzix Big Shot using the Cuttlebug Spiderweb folder.
  4. I rubbed an embossing stamp pad over the Spiderweb and poured on some Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel.
  5. I heated the enamel with my heat tool (seen in yesterday’s post), that’s how I got that cool wet look on the web!Ā  SWEET!
  6. Next, I made the Spider!Ā  He’s a cut from the Cricut Doodlecharms Cartridge pg. 121.
  7. I inked the Spider with Bronze ink.Ā  Then I covered it with Diamond Glaze (’cause I love that stuff).
  8. After the Spider dried, I inked it again with the Bronze ink.
  9. I added the little purple brads as eyeballs to the spider.
  10. I made the circles yesterday.Ā  Here’s how.
  11. I had a good ole time attaching everything.Ā  I attached the spiderweb in black with my ATG gun, the Spider with a square pop (dot?…a pop square?) and the circles with my new Elmer’s Glue Permanent Sticky Dot Stamper.

I think I’m trying too hard with that Elmer’s Dot Stamper.  I can’t seem to figure out exactly how to line it up to place the dots.  I feel pretty silly about that since it’s probably waaay simple.

Well, that’s it!  I think it took me as long to tell you how I made the card as it took me to actually make it! šŸ˜€  I hope you like it.  It’s sitting above my desk now, just waiting for a new home.

Go Make Something SCARY!!



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  1. Pingback: Joy's Life.com
  2. I love this card . I don’t have the cuttlebug but may think about getting one since there is so much you can do with it. I make a lot of cards now.

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