4 New Cricut Cartridges Announced – 1 Exclusive to HSN & 3 Seasonal – HALLOWEEN!!

Yep, yep, you heard right 4 new Cricut carts have been announced.  1 is a full cartridge and 3 are seasonal.  Let’s get to it!!

The first one is a full cartridge called 3Birds on Parade.  It’s another joint venture between Provo Craft and 3Birds.  You know what else?  You can only get it through HSN.  Just LOOK at that bird with the pacifier and the blanket.  Oh my Goodness.  Soooo CUTE!

3Birds on Parade

Available in July


Alright.  What else ya got lined up for us Provo Craft?  Huh?

OCTOBER 31st – That’s the name. 😉

This one is a Seasonal Cartridge and will be available in July.


Ok, that’s cool…what’s next?

Pumpkin Carving

This one is a Seasonal Cartridge and will be available in July.


What?!  It’s not even close to Halloween…what ‘cha got that’s summery?


This one is a Seasonal Cartridge and will be available in July.

Here’s a link to a post where I carved a craft pumpkin using the (newly announced discontinued) cartridge Mini Monograms.

Joy Carves a Pumpkin Using Mini Monograms

I’m sad that Mini Monograms is being discontinued.  Also newly discontinued “Makin’ the Grade”.



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  1. I love Halloween but not too excited about that cart. However I am so getting the bird one when it comes out!!!!!! I have the other bird one from HSN and its adorable!

    1. I feel the same way BigMamaKaboose. I’d like to see if those Seasonal carts have any cool abilities like 3D before I rule them completely out, but they didn’t exactly make me stand up and cheer. I think that Halloween could have a LOT cuter. 😉 The 3Birds one I’ll get for sure! 🙂

  2. I LOVE the 3 birds on parade too! I gotta have that one. As for the others, the Halloween ones are cute, but I don’t do much for that holiday and wouldn’t really use it. THe summer one looks cute too, but not my style. I gotta get the birds though! Do we know WHEN it will be on HSN????

    1. Hey Patricia,
      That 3Birds cartridge will be available in July. I left that out of the post, so I just went back and stuck it in. 😉

  3. Why does everything that’s this cute ( 3 birds on parade) have to be exclusive to somwhere? That means I’m gonna have to pay full price for it! 🙁 Now I’m gonna get in trouble from my hubby. ( I’m just complaining a little) LOL 🙂 Thanks for posting that little tidbit…because nobody else mentioned that.

  4. Well I have to say that none of those a real must have’s for me. I may be tempted my October 31st or H2o but only if they were on sale.
    Kim xXx

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