One Million Hits


This past weekend I went to my first crop ever!  It was a Cricut Circle crop held in Georgia.  What fun!  I made some new friends, connected with some people that I knew online, met some Joy’s Life friends and got to see friends that I’d met when I worked at the Charlotte, North Carolina Creating Keepsakes Convention in August.  (CKC Convention and Part One My Trip Home Post then Part Two.)  I even got to do a quick vinyl/Cricut Vinylology demo during the Crop!  That was quite an honor since the two other people who did demos were the fun leader of the show, Shannon from Provo Craft and Teresa Collins!!  Shannon was super nice as well as very informative and hilarious.  The talented Teresa Collins did a make and take with papers from her new Cricut Imagine cartridge.  So cool!  At the end of the day, as if the day hadn’t already been fun enough, I won something sooo cool!  I’m going to make you wait a bit to see it though.  I’ll do a post with it soon. 😉

As if all that fun wasn’t enough, I got home and found out that Joy’s Life had gone over the 1 MILLION hit mark!  WOW!  That means it’s time to CELEBRATE!!  THANK YOU ALL!!


Leave a comment to be entered for a chance to win a brand new Gypsy.  You can get an extra entry if you’ll join my newsletter (scroll down the right hand side of this page to sign up), another entry if you’ll “Like” me on Facebook (left hand side of this page) and another entry if you’ll follow me on Twitter (left hand side of this page).  Just let me know in your comment if you decide to do any of those things. 🙂  I’ll choose a winner on March 15, 2011 and will post the winner here.


mays331 Says: March 7th, 2011 at 6:30 PM e

Congrats!!!! How fab is that???? Would LOVE to win a Gypsy!!! I have gotten your newsletter for a long time now and have followed you on facebook for a while also! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

Thanks Again My Friends AND Good Luck!

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  1. Wow Joy….sounds like you had a great time at your first crop!! This is an amazing giveaway!!! I already “like”……no, “LOVE” your FB pages and I just signed up for your newsletter, so I guess that’s 3 chances to win for me! Thanks so much! 🙂

  2. WOW JOY…..sure was quite the weekend for you! Congrats on hitting 1 million hits. That’s awesome. And I can’t wait to see what you won!!! Hopefully you won’t make us wait too long! Love ya!

  3. Congratulations!!!! I can’t believe that you are giving away a gypsy! I already like you on facebook and I follow you on twitter (i made an account just so I could follow you) and I am signed up for your news letter so that makes 4 chances to win for me. It would be so great to win a gypsy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Congrats! Joy 1 Million hits, you deserve it! you have taught me so much, and inspired me to get stuck into using my Cricut! on my way to subscribe to your newsletter and like your face-book page.

  5. WOW Congrats Joy.. How cool is that to have a million hits on your blog. I check in everyday to see what you have done. What an honor it was for you to be able to demo your vynology at the crop. It sounded like you had a very good time.

  6. Woo Hoo!! 1 Million… that is incredible! You have been such an inspiration to me and you always make me laugh. Your name suits you PERFECTLY! 🙂 I already subscribe to your newsletter and LIKE you on FB. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I can’t wait to see what you won girl…. SPILL THE BEANS WOULD YA!! 🙂

  7. Wooohooooooooohoooooo!!! One million!!!!! Hooray for you!!!!!!!

    A GYSY!!!! What a treat for someone….hopefully…MEEEEEE!!!! I hunted hard for one when Michaels had them for $49.00!!!!!

    Yes to the newsletter….yes to Facebook…no to Twitter..I don’t Tweet……

    Thanks for all you do for the scrappin’ community!

  8. Congratulations on the big mark, Joy! It sounds like you’ve been invigorated by the crop this past weekend! I can’t wait to learn more!

  9. Oops! Forgot to mention that I just signed up for your newsletter, and I have “Liked” you on FB, (3 entries)

    Thanks again!

  10. love all your demos on here check everyday to see if something new is posted, i already like you on facebook and signed up for news letter wish they had a cricut crop here

  11. WOw! Congratulations on a million hits! That’s the first I’ve seen someone with that many. 🙂

  12. How FUN is this! What a terrific giveaway! You really are a superjoy and you deserve every single one of your one MILLION hits!!! Thanks for the chance to win!! Follow you on Twitter and FB!! xoxo

  13. That is so awesome Joy!
    I’m not surprised though…with all the good stuff you have on your site.
    Especially the great tutorials, I don’t know what I’d do without them!
    Lisa H.
    lisastuf at gmail dot com

  14. Congrats on million. A gypsy would be really great. I have seen them but have not been able to afford one. It’s my birthday month and winning one would be a great present.

  15. Wow! 1 Million. That is just awesome. You teach us soooo many new things. Thanks for a job well done. I hope I win 🙂

  16. Wow congrats on the Million hit….I am not surprised as you are sooo talented, funny and great!!

    p.s. what an awesome giveaway! Hope I win….

  17. Wow congratulations s on the Million hit….I am not surprised as you are talented, funny and great!!

    p.s. what an awesome giveaway! Hope I win….

  18. Okay, I subscribed to your newsletter and liked you on FB. I don’t Twitter, but I love your projects and would love to win a Gypsy. Congrats on 1 million hits!

  19. Wowzers….Congrats on the milestone hits!!!! Great prize giveaway!!!!

  20. Congrats on your “Million Hits!” how cool is that! I just know you had a great time at the Crop, I have never been to any crop!

    Great prize giveaway!

  21. Just wanted to wish you Congrats on the million hits. It sounds like you had lots of fun at the crop, I haven’t been to one yet either. BTW you don’t need to enter me in the giveaway since I already have a Gypsy.

  22. Congraulations Joy on ONE MILLION HITS. I subscribe to your newsletter and like you on facebook. Sorry I don’t tweet. Love all of your ideas and video’s. GREAT giveaway

  23. Congrats on the 1 million hits! I am one of the daily followers (stalkers)! I LOVE your site! So much great info and ideas!

    What a great give away! Good luck everyone!

    [email protected]

  24. Congrats on the 1 mil hits!!!!! TFS all the projects you do, it inspires alot of us :). And thank you for a chance to win a gypsy!

  25. Congrats!! I would love a Gypsy!!! “Liked” you on FB for some time now!!! I’ve been watching!!

  26. Hi Joy! Congrats on 1 million! I check in with your blog daily. Can’t wait to settle in w/my cuppa and you to start the day. I also just recently signed up to get your newsletter, and I’ve been a facebook fan of yours from the beginning! Keep up the great work!
    [email protected]

  27. I am so glad for your Million hits, but I am not surprised! Your website is AWESOME! I have been signed up for your newsletter and liked you on FB sometime ago. Would love to win the gypsy, thanks for the chance. Thanks SuperJoy for all the fantastic fun!

    [email protected]

  28. Congratulations! I know half these hits must be from my friends – I tell EVERYONE I know about you! LOL! I’m signed up for the newsletter and liked you on FB. However, I got my vinylology dvd last week and watched it ALL weekend. (Does that count? LOL!) It is so good and easy to follow. I can’t wait to start on some projects.

  29. Congrats on the million hits! I really enjoy watching your videos! I already ‘like” you on FB, and I just subscribed to your newsletter 🙂 Looking forward to many more videos from you.

  30. Congrats Joy! I am so proud to be a part of your Design Team and no one deserves to reach this HUGE milestone more than you! You are the absolute BEST!! Here’s to many more Millions!!

  31. Congrats on 1 million Joy! WOW! That is so awesome! I am glad you had fun at your crop and you’ve peaked my interest as to what you won! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  32. Hi Joy! Great to see you in Atlanta! Love your blog and your work. I’ve joined your newsletter, “liked” you on Facebook, and am a Twitter follower too! I’m definitely a Super Friend! 🙂

  33. Congratulations on 1 million hits! Great giveaway! I already like your FB page, and subscribe to your newsletter. I love it all! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  34. Great giveaway! I already subscribe to your newsletter and like you on FB. Can’t wait to see who will win.

  35. Congrats on reaching the 1 million mark. That’s quite an accomplishment. We love you JOY! You keep us coming back for more. A GYPSY!! WOW!! I already like you on FB, didn’t realize you had a newsletter (subscribing to it now). No twitter but was thinking of getting one since hubby just did it…. Congrats again!!


  36. congratulations Joy. great giveawy…. I receive your newsletter and also like on facebook…It is part of my morning everyday!!

  37. I am so happy for you that’s alot of hits but it doesn’t surprise me your a sweet lady andI love your blog. thanks for all you do and share with us. I hope I win I want to give it to a friend.


  38. what a week for you. I’m glad to be part of your excitement.

  39. Oh…and I receive your newsletter and have liked you on facebook some time ago!

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