
Yarn Pom Poms – How To

I am currently obsessed with making Pom Poms.

This may be the stupidest thing I’ve ever spent time on.  (No, we’re not counting video game time.)  I cannot stop making Pom Poms.  I don’t know why.  I think it goes way back to the Play Doh Barber ShopI LOVED cutting their hair.  However, I’m also pretty impatient, so becoming a hairstylist was not a thought I ever entertained.  I’d just shave everyone’s head, like I always ended up doing with the Play Doh barber shop.  Hey, you can always crank out more hair, right?  I think actually saying that to hair clients is frowned upon in actual salons.  So, I’ve turned to Pom Pom trimming!

They can be made with or without tails.

I’m leaving little tails on my Pom Poms so I can attach them to things. What am I going to use all these Pom Poms for? Good question. I have a few ideas but so far I’m making more Poms than I have ideas. LOL!

Jar O’ Pom

The jar of Poms is from my first Pom Pom-a-thon session.  (Pom Pom-a-thon = what I now have named my TV time.)  The next evening I was watching TV and I made about 10 more Poms with different yarn.  I have no excuse, no reason, I’m just making tons of these little things!  It is fun to create something while you’re hardly paying attention and watching TV.  Be careful when trimming though, I almost cut myself.  You have to pay SOME attention. 😉

Lions Brand yarn. I found mine at WalMart.

I bought this BEAUTIFUL yarn at WalMart, but Amazon also has Lion Brand Homespun yarn. I thought it would be fun to use because it ends up creating a variety of colored Poms, as seen in my many photos. I took even more photos, but had to restrain myself from showing you all of them.

How to Make Pom Poms the Joy Way

There are lots of ways people make Pom Poms, but I just wrap yarn around my fingers (learned this when I was a baby Joy).  I wrap it around 2 fingers for smaller ones and “add a finger” for larger ones.  I tie yarn around the center as tight as I can.  Then I grab my trusty scissors and give the Poms a haircut until I am satisfied (and stop before I make them bald).

I was going to make a video to show you how I do it, but I found this video by the same people who make the soft yarn I bought. It’s pretty much the way I make them, except I don’t wrap it around my whole hand.  I think I’ll try that to make much bigger ones!  Here is a link to the Lion Brand yarn Pom Pom video!

I hope your day is POM-tastic!

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  1. Oh How pretty! I like the variety of colors…. I’ve never tried that before… sounds simple enough and looks like it would be fun or addicting in your case! LOL 🙂


  2. How fun!! I think my DD would LOVE to make these. 🙂
    I have to admit, I totally loved that PlayDoh barber shop too. A few years ago, I got my girls a pet grooming playdoh set… same idea just hair growing on animals. I would sit and play with them for hours cuz it was still fun!!!
    Thanks for sharing this cute idea. I am seeing some cute fuzzy pom poms in my future. 🙂

  3. For Girlscouts we made little pom pom buddies. We took fun foam and cut out feet added fun foam arms and google eyes. Then we made different hair styles with a bow(ribbon). Some made a surfer guy, a soccer dude, you just need a little imagination and the girls loved this they made several in one sitting.

  4. Oh Joy! This takes me back to when I spent my weekends at the skating rink. Roller skates, actual skates with wheels and a toe stop. It was cool to have a pom-pom attatched to your skates. Thanks for the flashback!

  5. Loving it! I loved and played ALL the time with my play doh barber shop. I always liked the way looked with really short spikey hair…almost bald you know but not quite and then I would squish the hair down with my hands LOL. Great memories! I’ve made these alot, I always make the big ones (we call them warm fuzzies and we pull one string at a time out of them…worn as necklaces…and then give them to another person with a hug – while on retreats!). What if you made some really small ones and stichted them to some small stretchy kids gloves finger tips and then added googly eyes to the backside of them to make little monster gloves. Super cute. I had never thought of making them so tiny…might have to make some with red/green/white yarn to have on the Christmas trees this year…my almost 6 yr old will be able to make them with some assistance from me 🙂

  6. You are funny. Oh man, I need a Pom-Pom rug now! My little girl is gonna love this project..

  7. I remember the big pom poms on the roller skates as well! I leave a small tail on mine and attach it to my daughters’ zippers on jackets, bags, and lanyard. I little decoration and can be easily switched to match her outift. She made baby pom poms and we glued them to a headband. She has also made a yarn necklace and had little ones of different colors hanging down. So many things to do with something so easy!! Oh, I just remembered that we bought my niece a pom pom scarf that Arizona brand sold this past Christmas. It was made up of different colored ones that were all attached together by a main center yarn piece.

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