Google Friends Cricut Cartridge Give-A-Way WINNER


First and foremost, thank you to everyone for participating! If you’re not the winner don’t give up!!  I do a Give-A-Way every month on the 14th.  I appreciate you all so much. I hope you come back every day!!

Winners of all Give-a-Ways are chosen randomly using

The Winner Is:

ladybugCarrie Says: “Congratulations Joy! Looks like your numbers keep growing and growing! That’s because you share with us such terrific ideas! I cannot wait to see your stamp set and DVD! Keep up the great work! ” April 27th, 2010 at 11:42 AM

Congratulations ladybugCarrie! That is so nice and I appreciate it so much! I hope you’ll come back and tell us what you think of your new cartridge!

Carrie chose “Just Because Cards”!  FUN!!!

Happy Crafting!


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  1. OO!!!! You super lucky ducky!!! How fun!!!! can not wait to see what ya get..:)

  2. Congrats Joy on your 500+ followers. I am glad to be one of them and can’t wait to learn from you and get my creative mojo flowing..Yippy!!!

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