
Joy’s Life.com Announces Cricut Cartridge Checklist!!

Cricut Cartridge Checklist & App – No Longer Available

Thanks so much for your support of the Checklist and App over the years! In 2019, we decided to stop updating the app and checklist due to time constraints and technology changes. Plus, Cricut has a very good online presence (which they did not have in the past), and with so many digital purchases happening via their site, you can find them in your Cricut account. Thank you again sweet Cricut friends! Happy Crafting!!

I hope you enjoy it!


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    1. I’m so glad you all like it! 😀 Thank you for the great feedback!
      I appreciate you all being here and being a part of my site! 😀

  1. fantastic! Joy are you still using the Make the cut software. I just bought a new computer for the express purpose of downloading and buying the software so I can cut out other things that are not in the cricut library. I played with the demo, but I think I want the actual disk. I tend to crash things and I don’t mean on the floor……..no pun intended, well maybe a little one.
    Happy crafting everyone

  2. this is the bomb. Thanks. it was great. i printed and put it in with my carts. and gave one to hubby as a wish list. lol

  3. OOO!! I love this…Now I can keep track of Carts. that I have and hopefully my Husband will take the hint and buy the ones I don’t 🙂 GREAT IDEA!!!

  4. This is GREAT……Thank you for taking the time do this and sharing with us.You just made my life so much easier.

  5. Joy, I just love your blog. You are talented and funny – great combo! Thanks so much for putting together the cartridge list.

  6. Thanks Joy For All Ways Thinking About Us,This Check List Will Come in so Handy, I Made A few Copies all Ready, : )

  7. This list is great! Will help me deciding what cartridges to get next thanks a bunch! Your website is really neat too! great info

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