Valentine’s Day Chocolate Survival Kit

Hello my friends!  Today I wanted to “re” share one of my favorite Valentine projects that I’ve done.  I hope you enjoy seeing this (again) or for the 1st time.  I’ll have some videos, a give away and new projects ready for you next week.  We’ll have a SUPER TIME together! 😀  BTW, did you notice the hit counter?  We’re closing in on 1 million hits!  WOW!

This kit is made from a bead organizer found at Michael’s for $2. 😀

Making a Chocolate Survival Kit out of a bead box is such a cute and relatively inexpensive idea (depending on the candy you buy). I had a good time making this. I got the idea from a lady named Jana Eubank. I think it’s a super creative idea!

I  used Martha Stewart punches for the curly corners and the hearts on the sides of the pink paper. The four intricate heart cuts are all from the Love Struck Seasonal Cricut cartridge and the lettering is from the Winter Woodland cartridge. I used my Gypsy to weld the lettering.

Ok, between you and me…this photo is driving me CRAZY because that heart is off center. 😛 Well, here’s why: 1st-I just had to put it over that big heart that is printed on the paper. Had to. 2nd-I’m going to put a little note to the right of the heart for the recipients. I hope they like this! For sure though, the candy will be a hit.

I put 3 mini candy bars in each small space and about 6 of the Twix in the longer area on the left.

The paper is all K & Co. Smitten Specialty Paper, except for the pink and green paper under the 2 hearts. IDK, what that is. I bought it from someone on Etsy last summer and it was just a pack of different paper that the seller had cut down to smaller pieces.

This is a great project and you don’t need a Cricut or anything special to make it. You just need some simple decoration and some candy + $2 for the bead box and you’re all ready to craft!

Happy Crafting!!

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  1. Made 2 of them today. So fun and super easy too! Not sure how long the candy will last in them tho… makes me hungry

  2. Such a cute idea! The girls in the office would love this…This would my my weekend project. Thanks Joy!

  3. Very cool idea! I used different paper and ribbon to be more masculine and gave this to my hubby for Valentine’s Day filled with his favorite candy. He really loved it. He can use it later on to store nuts, bolts and small items in his workshop. I’m new to your blog and I felt that this project was something I could do. Thank you for the great idea, Joy!

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