
World Card Making Day Blog Hop – Disney Pixar Monster’s Inc Card Video

Woo hoo!  It’s World Card Making Day!  I’ve got a card making video for you, cool give aways AND a blog hop so you can get some crafty ideas for other cards you can make.  I hope you enjoy it all and have a GREAT DAY!  Don’t forget to leave a comment to be eligible to win a prize!

Hop Over to these other crafty blogs to see what they’ve created to celebrate World Card Making Day!

 (Don’t forget to go to the bottom of this post for some fun give aways!)

Joy – https://www.joyslife.com YOU ARE HERE!
Amanda –http://amandascraftsandmore.blogspot.com
Jin – http://underacherrytree.com
Jovan – http://www.cardsbyjovan.com
Julie- http://www.cricutchick.blogspot.com
Kyle – http://thegreencricut.blogspot.com
Margie – http://bellabugcreations.blogspot.com
Martha –http://pattisscrapingtime.blogspot.com
Melissa –http://melissa-moecreations.blogspot.com
Tammy – http://tammyjennings.blogspot.com
Theresa – http://www.thescrapbookingqueen.com

And now for a Give Away!


If you think the Paper Layerz I used in the video is as cool as I do, you’ll be excited to know that Megan from Above Rubies Studios has donated a pack of Paper Layerz for one winner!  Woo hoo!

Give Away 2 = Stamps!

Want to make some fun Halloween things?  You’ll probably need some Halloween stamps!  Leave a comment and I’ll also pick a winner for some fun Joy’s Life Halloween Puns stamps!

To be entered for the Give Aways: Leave a comment telling me your favorite thing about Fall.  Winners will be announced on this post on Wednesday, October 5th!

Congratulations to the Winners:

Paper Layerz Winner:
luv2teach2 says:
October 4, 2011 at 6:38 AM
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Fall!! My favorite thing is taking walks with my husband and two little kiddos. The kids notice (and pick up) everything… leaves, acorns, pinecones, etc. By the time we get home, the basket at the bottom of the stroller is PACKED with Fall treasures!
Hugs, Jenni

Halloween Puns Stamps Winner:
Debby says:
October 1, 2011 at 5:34 PM
OMGosh Joy! That is such a cute card. My son walked in that is 24 and loved it to. I love your personality we would get a long so good. Could have a great time with our crafting if we lived closer. My favorite thing is FALL love it the colors, the coolness, no misquotes. I got married Oct. 4th just so I could have a fall colored wedding and wouldn’t you know it that year fall leaves was late.
angel hugs

Have a Happy World Card Making Day and don’t forget to visit the other blogs on the hop!

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  1. Oh m’gosh, Joy! I am so glad you posted this! I have not seen this paper before and I love the whole concept behind it. Easy peasy for those character cuts. Your card is simply adorable! Who doesn’t love Mike Wazowski? And I just love that you did the things the hard way…my kinda gal!

  2. I love the beautiful changing leaf colors in Fall! 🙂 Great giveaways! Thanks for the inspiration. Looking forward to checking out the blog hop.

  3. I simply adore the farmer markets and apple orchards. My second passion next to card making is cooking and I love making apple butter for all my family and friends.

  4. Fun new way to make cute cards My favorite thing about fall is the crunching sound of leaves and the smell of fireplaces

  5. Cooler weather (ATL, GA) is definitely my favorite thing about Fall…love being able to snuggle up in my sweats!!!

    Have been Dying to try this paper!!!

  6. My favorite thing about Fall is the cooler weather and to watch God’s work in the changing colors of leaves. Loved the card you made.

  7. Joy — I lOVE college football, so in addition to loving the colors of fall, the smells of autumn, and the beginning of new school years, Fall is best for me because of football. I am loving your football fans and have to get making some for Homecoming at Mizzou on Oct. 15!
    Meghan’s paper is awesome and I love your stamps. This EyE love you card make from one 12×12 sheet is totally the best! Thanks for sharing this great idea!

  8. Warts up to you Joy and Happy World Card Making Day! “Eye” loved your Mike video he turned out so cute. That paper was an amazing Idea. I can see how helpful it would be to use . NO more cutting pieces of paper to fit like a puzzle on my cricut mat, yea!

  9. Oh Joy, if you live along Lake Erie in Pennsylvania fall can only mean one thing……GRAPES! Oh, the smell is just amazing. Add that to the beautiful fall colors, no place else to be. Happy World Card Making Day! Love the post, and love, love, love Mike!

  10. Happy World Card Making Day! This card is so cute and I love the stamp sentiment you put with it! My favorite thing about Fall is when the leaves start changing colors and the smell of hot apple cider cooking on a cool day.

  11. Cute. I love fall for Thanksgiving and all the good times with friends, family and good food.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. i really like the paper you used, glad to see im not the only one that has trouble with the glue sometimes that was a cute card i didnt realize monsters inc was on that cartridge i loved that movie

  13. Love reading your blog. My favorite thing about Fall is the sun lower in the sky with the shorter days, cooler nights and the changing of leaf color.

  14. My favorite time is the change in the weather the change in the leaves. I love the fall colors. Enjoy reading your blog thanks for the chance of winning some awesome goodies.

  15. Joy,I just got home,I hope its not to late to do your blog hop! Your card very cute,I love the smells of fall and of course the colors,Joy

  16. Oh Joy, your card is absolutely adorable !!! I love the Paper Layerz you used and your video was awesome as always.. Thanks so for inviting me to be in your hop :0)

    Scrappy hugs,
    Amanda :0)

  17. What I like about fall besides the colors of trees changing, are the smells in the crisp air. Great card…love Mike and that paper is very cool.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  18. I absolutely LOVE your Mike Wasowski card!! I really need to find that cartridge. My favorite thing about fall is the cool, crisp air and Halloween! I love to decorate for it and I love going on ghost walks. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!


  19. Your 1 eyed monster card is adorable! I went to a 3D Haunted House and a Haunted Hayride this weekend and it was a blast – love that and apple picking in fall.

  20. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Fall!! My favorite thing is taking walks with my husband and two little kiddos. The kids notice (and pick up) everything… leaves, acorns, pinecones, etc. By the time we get home, the basket at the bottom of the stroller is PACKED with Fall treasures!
    Hugs, Jenni

  21. Love this card! So monsteriffic! My favorite thing about fall is that is when I met my husband and my life has been so much better ever since! I also love watching my boys play in the falling leaves (and they love to play in all the mud too!) Thanks for the chance to win!


    hollyshobbie at gmail dot com

  22. So many favorite things about Fall!! (Almost too many to list!) I love going to the orchard with my daughter and picking apples, then making homemade applesauce. I love carving pumpkins and EVERYTHING Halloween. And of course Notre Dame football! Yeah, Fall!! 🙂

  23. First let me say, that paper is soooo cool.. love it. 🙂 I absolutely LOVE FALL!! Our street is lined with many different trees and it is so beautiful to see all the different colored leaves, it’s really amazing!! We also grow our own pumpkins and have so much fun carving them and decorating them for Halloween. Of course, I love Thanksgiving as well… we always have a huge family get together and everyone has a great time!

  24. My favorite thing about Fall would have to been the nice cool weather since we have been around 100 here all Summer. My little boy is 18mths old and I can’t wait to spend the nice afternoons outside playing with him. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful crafts!

    [email protected]

  25. your card turned out super cute!!!! your mom will love it!!!
    can I just say, I had no desire to get this Cartridge, but we just got back from Disney World, and now I neeeeed it….
    Mike does the funniest comedy show there …..
    anyways, one of the things I love about Fall is all the colours…. and the smell of apples yummy

  26. I love the weather and picking pumpkins 🙂 The smell in the air is so amazing and the leaves changing colors. I’d love to win!! 🙂
    Your card is so fun!!! 🙂

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