Joy’s 7 Days of Give-A-Ways … Day Six!!

Throw This in the Mix… It’s Day Six!!

Today’s Give-a-Way is for Zip Dry Paper Glue & a Zig 2 Way Glue Pen.

Hey, you can leave a comment under any of the previous
7 Days of Give-A-Way posts to be eligible for those too!

I really like to use these items.  Zip Dry has great hold and dries fast too, which you might imagine with a name like Zip Dry, huh?  The Zig 2 Way Glue Pen is great for gluing little pieces of paper.  I use these 2 things all the time.

I used Zip Dry to glue together this “Happy Fall Y’all” sentiment and
again here when I was Naughty & Nice. 😉

I’ve used the Zig 2 Way Pen on a lot of things.  It’s terrific for little things like the paper string that holds up the “Absolutely Fabulous” sign on this card or for fine pieces like the coral on the Northern Seahorse ABC page I did.

People often tell me they have a hard time finding these products.  Try Michael’s or Hobby Lobby for them.  I can usually find them there.


Remember…all you have to do to enter is…

All you have to do is… add a comment to this post. Now remember, to comment you have to register. Look up on the right hand side of the page. See where it says, “Hey, Join Me!! Click Register…”? Well, click register there and sign on in!! Then you can start leaving comments. 😀 Please just leave one comment per post and make sure you register with an email where I can contact you if you are the winner.

I’ll choose a random winner (using next Wednesday! I’ll contact the winner through the email they used to register. The winner will have a week to respond or I’ll choose another winner. After all winners of each day of Give-a-Ways have responded, I will list the winners names in a Winner’s Post for everyone to see. Ok? Good luck!! 😀 And thanks for being part of my site!


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  1. omg! i’m a true insomniac tonight… i got the first post. i’ve heard so much about the zip dry glue, but yet to try it. i love love love the zig, though. and i am love love lovin’ your blog. you are so funny! do you have a bio somewhere? tia!

    1. Hi Jinnette! I hope you’re enjoying your Cricut. I’m still amazed with it every time I use it. Really! I heart my Cricut!! 😀

  2. I have never tried the zip dry glue but I am a big fan of the Zig glue pen. It comes in handy for doing letters and small detail. Of course for large areas, Martha Stewart has a fantastic glue with sponge applicator that I find myself using all the time. I have to watch the glues that I buy because I have little ones that often help me craft and they like to make cards too. Next weekend, I might give the invitations a break and work on things for my grand daughters to make valentines.

  3. Hi Joy, Hope your having a great weekend. I sure could these. Thanks for a chance at some candy.

    1. I hope you’re having a good weekend too! Our boys have had 2 basketball games to play in this weekend and one of our nephews spent the night with us last night. He’s such a pleasure to have over. 🙂 I’m loving basketball too! Who knew?! LOL I’m really enjoying reading everyone’s comments. Wish we were all at a big scrap (or CHA!!) together for some crafting and fun!

  4. I have never tried either of these products! Excited to see what I can do with them if I win!

  5. I love the Zig 2 way pens but haven’t tried the Zip Dry so now maybe I will get the chance. Crossing my fingers! Thanks so much!!!!

  6. I’m so excited about this because I just asked about the zig pen!
    Thanks for letting me enter!

    1. You know what sy3_smith? I decided to choose the Zig 2 Way Glue Pen as one of the Give-A-Ways because you asked about it!! 😀 Really! 😉
      Good luck Everyone!!

  7. Hi Joy! Thanks for the great prizes:) I would love to have the Zip Dry – I can’t find it anywhere! I am a big fan of the Zig pens – I have multiples, I use them all of the time.

    [email protected]

  8. I have never tried zip dry glue but I have 2 of the pens and I have been using them when making cards along with glue dots.

  9. I love my Zig pens! I love the bigger one also.

    With the bigger one, you are supposed to be able to “re-stick” your Cricut mats. I have watched the video on YouTube but havent had to try it yet.

    Thanks again Joy for this week of give aways! You are awesome!

  10. l haven’t tried either types of glue yet. Looks like l’ll have to get some, unless l’m lucky enough to win them.

  11. Ooooh I’ve been meaning to pick up a Zig pen!

    I haven’t tried the Zip Dry before.

  12. hi joy,
    i’m new to the cricut expession so i love seeing ideas and products. I have never seen that glue before but would be excited about trying it.

  13. I’ve never tried the Zip Dry and am anxious too since I’ve heard such great reviews and the Zig Glue Pens are my old stand bys I love them for gluing small things’ Thanks for the chance to win any of these great products Joy

  14. I’ve used the pen but never the Zip Dry…looks cool! Thanks again for offering this great giveaway!

  15. I love the Zig glue pens, you can never have enough. I have never tried the Zip Dry, but I will try anthing once.

  16. I have never tried this before, but I am willing to try anything when it comes to crafting.

  17. I would love to try out the zig 2 way! I have heard about using it on the cricut mat to re-stick it (I know the big one is better for this) and I would love to get to test it out a little first. Thanks for the chance!

  18. I haven’t tried either of these products before. I’m actually a “born again’ crafter. The last “special’ glue I have ever used is Aleenes Tack Glue.

  19. Like many of the others, I have never used zip dry either. Guess you never know if you like it until you try it. (that’s what I tell my kids ALL the time!)

  20. You can never have enough glue!!! And for those that end up wearing it you always need extra!!! Wonder if this is strong enough to keep my one year in one place for a while…LOL! Blessings all!

  21. love the site – just happened upon it. I have used (and really like) the glue pen, but haven’t used the dry one yet. I love paper crafts – and hope to make it my career in some way, shape or form sometime

  22. I would get a lot of use out of these. I just had to go buy another zig the other day. Thanks for the chance to win.

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