I am so excited!  I’ve been wanting to see if I could make my own stickers for a long time.  I CAN!  So can you!  SWEET!!!  I made all the stickers using my Halloween Puns stamps.  What a fun way to use stamps, huh?  I LOVE IT!

Here’s what you need…

There are other kinds of tubes that you can use, but last year I wanted to do a tube project and I bought these on Amazon.  Here’s a link to them: plastic test tubes with caps. Well, I never got around to using them so I’m super proud of myself for finally putting them to good use!  You need StazOn Ink, a Heat Tool (one with a stand is nice), stamps and clear sticker paper.  I bought my sticker paper here.  I love their store because they allow you to purchase by the sheet!  Nice!

Here’s how you make it…

First, you stamp your saying or image onto the sticker sheets using StazOn ink. Next, use the heat tool to dry the ink.  Cut the dried stamp out of the sticker paper.  Remove the backing and stick it to your tube.  TA DA!!  It’s that easy!  Just be sure your hands are clean or you will leave prints on the sticker.  (Of course that happened to me!  LOL!)

Me get tricked! Me have no candy in treat! Me talking like Cookie Monster again.

I used fabric and twine to cover those blue lids.  The only thing missing?  CANDY!!  I’ll get some sweet treats in there ASAP!

Have a Happy Day!

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  1. OH MY GoOdNeSs those are amazing … gonna have to check out your tubes… wait the didn’t sound right… I have to look into getting some.. alittle better… okay I cutting to the chase…
    Those are spooktacular…
    The Scrapbooking Queen

  2. Oh, So Cool!! I love these and HEY I have these stamps!! LOL plus I have the clear labels so all I need are the tubes… off the Amazon!! LOL

  3. Too Spooky Cute Joy!!! Way to step up on the Creativity! Awesome idea to use stamps as stickers… what will you come up with next Super Joy!?!?! Loving your new Blog Makeover! Also, snatching that Cute Blinky for my blog!
    Sweet Creations…

  4. Joy, you come up with some of the coolest ideas. I love these. I am homeroom Mom again and I would love to make these for the kids. TFS

  5. Dang, that is super cute! I’m a real sucker for puns. 🙂 Would that StazOn ink stamp directly onto a surface such as the test tubes as long as you dried it before smearing could occur? tfs

    Kayla – kapertures at gmail dot com

    1. Kayla,
      I haven’t tried stamping with the StazOn directly on to the tube, but I think it would work if you could keep from smearing it before you dry it. 😉 It might be difficult since the tube is small and round. Let me know how it turns out if you give it a try!
      Thank you!

  6. You did it again! Love this idea. For your followers that don’t know to hover over your pics, they are really missing out! I especially love the first one today! These always make me smile!! : )

    1. Lauriejane,
      Your comment makes me super happy! I love it when people enjoy my hidden hovers. Thanks for letting me know you liked the first one. Sometimes I think people aren’t reading them and I want to start putting words like “photo 2” in there. LOL! You’re comment will help remind me to keep my hovers going. 🙂

  7. What a fun and CUTE idea Joy! I actually have some of those clear sticker types….
    But I don’t have the Test tubes… LOVE the whole idea of it and will get over
    to my Amazon account and get some ordered right away…. They will be loads
    of fun for a classroom of kids… or as a giveaway treat playing some games…
    Ohhh the endless possiblities! 😉


  8. I just realized I won a sample pack of the Square1 sheets…. YEA!! For me!
    Thanks JOY! I tried your e-mail button but it wouldn’t work…
    So here’s mine…. If you could e-mail me I’ll send you my info!
    cardaddict69 at hotmail dot com

    Thanks again!!!

    1. Theresa,
      Congrats on your win! I was behind in sending winner emails out, but went to you this morning. Woo hoo!
      Still having trouble with the email button? It’s working when I try it. I hope it’s working for you. 🙂

  9. Oh Joy honey, I haven’t been to your sight for awhile now, because it was giving me fits while you were redoing it. I can’t handle things that mess up all the time and that is how your sight got when I would come visit you. I just love the way it is laid out. I also thought that those glass tubes were pretty neat. You have such a creative mind.

    1. Thank you Sillykid! I’m glad you like the new look of the blog too. I hope it isn’t giving you fits any more! 🙂

    1. Beckie,
      MINI M&M’s!! Genius!! Thank you! I’ve been dieting for a while, so my brain won’t even think about candy. I’m so glad you mentioned the mini M&M’s. That’s perfect!
      Congratulations on your new blog. I’m coming by to say hi! 🙂

    1. Lori, I’m so glad you like those test tubes. I had so much fun making them! I went out and bought more StazOn ink in different colors so I could do some more with variety. 🙂
      I went to your blog and left you a comment. I love your tag card!
      Super Hugs,

  10. I love this idea. This is also the first I’ve heard of clear sticker paper. I might have to check that out. What an awesome idea. I can think of so many ways to use it. Thanks for sharing this info with us.

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