I started writing this post a few weeks ago because DH and I love growing our own sprouts but then I stopped writing it after reading about all the foodborne illness sprout worries.  I’d never want to suggest the greatness of a food that might make someone sick.  That being said, DH sent me this article about using caution when growing your sprouts, so I decided once again that I’d go ahead and write about them.  We love our sprouts and enjoy making them fresh whenever we want them.

Grow Your Own Sprouts and Eat Healthy, Save Money & Know The Source #Healthy #Sprouts #Alfalfa

To make sprouts that are awesome we use the Handy Pantry 3 Tray Stackable Sprout Garden.  We bought ours waaay back in June 2011 and highly recommend it.  Alfalfa sprouts are our favorites!  We bought all of our seeds from the Sprout House.  I really like making our own sprouts because when stores were selling them they had gotten so expensive!  You can grow these quickly for a tiny amount of money.  Plus, you aren’t wondering about who handled your sprouts before you got them or how they were grown.  After buying the seed, you’re the farmer.

Grow Your Own Sprouts and Eat Healthy, Save Money & Know The Source #Healthy #Sprouts #Alfalfa

Alfalfa sprouts are a good source of protein and of Vitamin A, C & K, Folate, Iron and the list goes on.  All in all, they’re good for you!  (As long as you take care growing them.)  Sprout growing goes pretty fast.  All of the directions come in the kit but it’s as simple as washing your seeds and letting them grow.  You keep them covered (with the included lid) during the growing stages.  You rinse them often during the growing process.

Grow Your Own Sprouts and Eat Healthy, Save Money & Know The Source #Healthy #Sprouts #Alfalfa

When your sprouts look full and almost ready to eat you simply take off the lid that covered them during the growing stages and expose the sprouts to light.  Here the white sprouts are sitting in my windowsill.  Soon, they will turn green!

Grow Your Own Sprouts and Eat Healthy, Save Money & Know The Source #Healthy #Sprouts #Alfalfa

Hello pretty green sprouts!  I’m totally going to eat you now.

Grow Your Own Sprouts and Eat Healthy, Save Money & Know The Source #Healthy #Sprouts #Alfalfa

This is how they look when they’ve been dumped out of the tray and washed off.

Now you can use them to make delicious sandwiches like this…

Grow Your Own Sprouts and Eat Healthy, Save Money & Know The Source #Healthy #Sprouts #Alfalfa

Yep.  The sprouts in this post were grown especially with that sandwich in mind.  Then they graced more sandwiches and salads.  Get a recipe for the green onion and garlic cream cheese spread used on that sandwich in this post!  Now, go make some sprouts!

Happy Sprout Growing!

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  1. Great advice Joy. It’s all about making the right choices and preparation. That sandwich looks so yummy.

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