Hey Friends!  This is just a quick reminder that you can stamp things on most ribbon.  Now, you may want to test your ink and ribbon first…or just go for it, but it CAN be done!  I made this what would have been a nice card if I’d finished it, but looks totally unfinished because I didn’t plan well and ran out of time card in a few minutes before running out the door.  It held a gift card and was for DD’s guitar teacher.  I have no excuses for my time crunch…how about…I have 3 kids?  I’ll use that excuse today.  Don’t worry, I have plenty more excuses where that came from.  I’ll give you a totally overused one next time too, LOL.  BTW, the guitars came from the Everyday Paper Dolls Cricut cartridge.

So, what I’m trying to tell you is that you can stamp things on ribbon which worked out GREAT for me since I didn’t have time to make a nice place for a great sentiment.  What I could have done was something like this “friends” sentiment decor that I did on the card that got me into the Cricut Chirp.  (Still living happy off that honor, LOL.)

Those snowflakes on the card?

I made those with the I-had-to-have-it-then-forgot-I-owned-it 5×7 Large Snowflake Cuttlebug folder.  I think I got that from HSN.  Then I just ran a white ink pad over the embossed image to make the snowflakes white.  I did a similar thing with the guitars (even though they irk me since I didn’t really finish them like I wanted to) using the Allegro Cuttlebug folder and a silver Colorbox fluid chalk inkpad.  Another way to ink your images is to directly place ink on your embossing folders!  Here’s some more information about that.

Well, that’s it for now.  I have to go pick up my kiddo from her exams.  They get out at all these crazy hours this week.

Happy Ribbon Stamping!!

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