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Cricut Joys of the Season Tag 12 Days of Christmas DAY ONE GIVE AWAY

Created with Cri-Kits gel pens & Stickles

Isn’t that a pretty tag?  I’m putting it on one of my daughter’s gifts…if I can’t finagle a way to get it on one of mine, LOL!  I used the Cri-Kits gel pens to help me make a colored outline on Stampin’ Up white vellum cardstock.

I used my Gypsy to help me hide and unhide different pieces of this image which is from the Joys of the Season Cricut cartridge.  With the red berries hidden, I used a green Cri-Kits gel pen to draw the leaves.  Next, I hid the leaves and showed the berries.  I then replaced the green Cri-Kits gel pen with the red one to draw the red berries.  After I was finished drawing, I replaced the gel pens with the Cricut blade.  I then cut only the outside of the ornament.  Ta Da!!

I used a vellum adhesive to attach the vellum to some textured foil paper.  The vellum adhesive I used didn’t do a good job of hiding the glue.  Oh well, next time I’ll use something else. 😉  I thought it would be pretty to use some Stickles glitter glue to fill in the lines I created with the Cri-Kits gel pens.  This is just another way the pens can be used.

I love that the Cri-kits gel pens can create pictures, words AND also create a color coded template for me to follow.  COOL!

Here are the things I used to create this tag.  Not shown are my Gypsy, Cricut, American Crafts foil cardstock and vellum cardstock.

On the 1st Day of Christmas Cri-Kits Gave To One Winner….

Cri-Kits has donated a GREAT prize of all four packs of Cri-Kits gel pens + 2 gel Swirl Pens AND a Cri-Kits holder to one lucky winner! To be eligible to win please leave a comment on this post.  The winner will be chosen by Random.org on December 13.

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  1. I love your blog ~ it is my extra cup of coffee for the day ~ I would love to be picked to get those great pens ~ maybe i will get Christmas early when you pick me ~ have a great day and thanks 🙂

  2. Very cute little ornaments. I am hoping for some cri-kits.
    Thanks Joy for all your ideas and give-aways. You are awesome!!!

  3. I love all your creative ideas. Your ideas are great. I am particularly interested in your Punch Around the Page Stamps. I am wondering if you are goint to continue with this idea of making round stamps? I have been trypin gto figure out how to make round/oval sentiments with with regular stamps and your idea is just what I was tryying to figure out. Will you make more? I hope you make some with just decoraatove edges and bare centers with separate one or two word sentiments that can be added as the needed to fit the occasions

  4. I’ve read so many good things about these pen sets and winning this contest would be one of the best Christmas presents!

  5. WOW….that tag is so fabulous ! I am dying to get my hands on those Cri-Kit pens …they are on my christmas gift wish list already but I bet my family won’t know why I want them so bad and skip over them I am afraid 🙁 TFS

  6. Cute ornament! Would love to have the Cri-Kit pens! I haven’t seen these before. Looking forward to getting my cricut up and running now. 🙂

  7. i have tried making ornaments before and they never seem to turn out right. maybe i will try again!

  8. Love that you demo’ed this cricut product. I have deen thinking about it but not really sure…now I am sure LOL Love the tag you made. Would love to win this!!!

  9. Wow that is such a pretty tag. Love the cri-kits pens, I have been eyeballing those and the holder and well all of their stuff really. LOL Thanks for sharing. ;0)

  10. Those pens are AWESOME….I havent tried them, but would like too!!! Really pretty tag…LOVE THE STICKLES!!!

    I went backwards…but made it to all 12 days….AMAZING projects!!! And WONDERFUL giveaways!!! thanks JOY!!!


  11. wow Cri-Kits is the place to be. Thank you so much for showing this wonderful product. I had no idea it existed and now need to go hunting it down. I will open my only set of markers I have for my cricut tomorrow and play with them. But they dont look as find detailed as the Cri-Kits. This would be a really cool win…and a way to add to my gypsys usefulness.

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