This is so easy you’re going to LOVE IT!! Mr. Turkey …wait, no… let’s name him … hmmm……Steve. Why Steve? Because that seems like a very unlikely name for a turkey, therefore it makes me laugh. 😀 Steve is made from Post It Craft paper and I only used four partial sheets to make him!

Look at that!! Steve is 7″ tall and that’s all the paper he used. Steve, you rock! Steve was hatched from the Create a Critter Cricut cartridge. Have you seen my Lots of Pun stamps? They go well with this cartridge.
Let’s see how easy it is to assemble your very own Steve…or turkey.

Gather Your Turkey Parts
Here are all of the turkey parts you’ll need (ugh…that sounds kind of gross, huh?). Seriously though, these are all the cuts you need to make your own turkey. Now let’s assemble him!

Part 1 of Assembly
This is pretty simple! You just put the lighter color on top of the darker color. To make one stick to the other, simply peel the paper off of the back. This paper has an adhesive on the back just like the post it notes you’re used to. Best part? If you don’t get it in just the right place you can peel it back up, move it and lay it down again.

Part 2 of Assembly
You’ve got it! We’re just laying the previous things down on top of the big red cut. Then lay the other red piece down on his “face”. There are little marks that help you line it up. This is the “crimson” Post it craft paper from the Jewel tones pack. The other colors are “sand” and “cocoa” from the Earth tones pack. I peeled the backing off the main part of the turkey to lay it on the red part.

Parts 3 & 4 of Assembly
I next peeled the backing off of the red part and stuck it down onto the “golden” paper. It’s from the Jewel tones Post-it craft pack. I tell you that in case you want to use that exact color. 😉 Here my hand makes a guest appearance as it peels the backing off of the hat piece. It’s very easy to remove the backings. It’s very hard to do this and take a photo at the same time. LOL!

Well, last 2 steps. I’m just going to peel the backing off and stick it to the wall!

TA DA!!! All Done!!
That is a quick and simple decoration. If you’re new to the Cricut the Create a Critter cartridge is one of the easiest to use when it comes to layering. The layers are straightforward and simple and the end results will make you feel like a pro. 😉
Tomorrow is the Banner Blog Hop!! WHEEE!!
If you missed my new stamps…I hope you’ll go take a look!
5 winners who’ve left comments on non-give away posts will be chosen at the end of NOVEMBER for some crafty prizes. Of course you can still leave comments on Give Away posts too!
cute turkey.. i love my create a critter cartridge..
Steve is a very cute turkey. I made him before and he really turned out cute, but now with the post it craft paper you can make lots of them fast. This little turkey does make you feel like a pro because it was easy layering. I can’t believe I’m first to comment, do I get a prize?
Oops! I guess I wasn’t first.
Gobble, Gobble!!! LOL!! I love Steve and the funny jokes! The one about the extra drumsticks is my fav. Thanks so much for this. If I do anything today, it will be to go and get some of this paper!!! I am just loving it. I can’t wait for tomorrows blog hop!!! Yay!!! FYI_ I am loving my new stamps!!!
Love your Turkey, Gobble, Gobble! I also love how you decorated your Cricut. One cartridge I don’t have yet. Love some of the images on that cartridge and the turkey is one of them
angel hugs
Steve is so cute I just want to gobble him up.
Love the turkey and the little jokes. Don’t have that cart though. I received my prize package from you (Lots of Pun stamps and Zip Dry glue.) Looking forward to using them. Thanks Joy.
So cute! I love this turkey! The title got me though…..I had to read it several times…..try saying that 3 times fast! 🙂
Hey Joy,
That Steve is one handsome turkey!
I love him.
Thanks for sharing
The turkey is super cute and will add super “Joy” to anyones holiday decorating.
this post made me hungry… and giggle.
Joy,He is so cool,I love the name steve,Thats our dog’s name! Joy
So cute!! Steve is adorable
I love Create A Critter…Steve’s pretty cute too. I’ll be sharing your turkey jokes with my kids later today…thanks for the laughs!
Wow that’s awesome! Didn’t know post it made big paper!
I love Steve!! Gonna have to make one for myself!!
Wow…so cute! I’m gonna have to get some of that paper!
Steve is pretty cute! I see you were trying to show off your manicure again! I must get some of this Post It Paper, but sad to say I do not have Create A Critter!
Steve is just plain cute! I am loving your jokes…Thinking of making him for Table Decor (only a tad smaller)! Thanks for such a great project!
thomfam at inreach dot com
Steve is very cute and I love the turkey jokes!
I’ve made that turkey before MUCH smaller haha with my baby cricut and put him on a card. SO easy! I love him!
I just love this turkey, but I really hate to think about Thanksgiving coming, that means cold ice and snow I am no way ready for that. I keep saying I want to move south maybe someday I will get to do that
[email protected]
Oh My Gosh Joy, Steve is just adorable, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my CAC cart, I have not made the trukey yet, I have a feeling he will be my very next cut though….TFS!!!!!
=) ahhhhhh JOY!!! thanks for sharing Steve!! I was in need of a morning smile!!
Steve is
such a handsome
fella!!! TFS Joy!!! Have
a fantastic day!
Steve is a cute turkey! I really need to try the post it paper. It’s perfect for fun holiday decorating.
Steve is GREAT – thanks for sharing Joy!!
Deanne G
[email protected]
I am so going to have to get some of this paper, it would be so much easier then taping on the wall also for daycare. Love it!
P.S. Love the jokes attached to the photos!
OMG I laughed so hard when I read what you named him. My husbands name is Steve and I will never look at Steve the same way. LOL. Cute project
Well now Steve is very cute but why on earth did you choose that name lol. Where are you going to be putting Steve??
Kim xXx
Joy- Love this and the sticky paper! I think I need this cart!!
[email protected]
Steve is too cute to be single. I think he needs a girlfriend. Great job.
Love the turkey!
oh cool very nice whew thnaksgivning already… im not ready..
ty for sharing
Steve is a real turkey, all dressed up in his top hat , but I think he needs a Shirley or a Sue to go out with! LOL
Oh my house needs a Steve for the holiday. Need to check out cartridge. Thanks
Alrightly, Joy — you’ve gone and done it!! I didn’t think I needed this cart. but, after seeing cute li’l Steve, now I have to try and win this cart. on eBay or blog candy. See what you’ve done??? lol
I love steve! I really need to find Post-It craft paper!
I have to get the Post-it paper – that is awesome. And Steve is a cute little gobbler!
gobble gobble gobble goes joy’s steve. love him.
LOL Bluecrayons! Steve appreciates you talking to him in his native tongue. 😀
Steve is so super cute!
That post it note paper is really awesome. TFS
This turkey is too cute!! Create a Critter rocks! Now I just need some of that paper!
i love this turkey, going to have to use him and make a centerpiece for thanksgiving.
[email protected]
Super cute little Turkey!
Steve came out adorable! I love Create a critter… It really makes me feel like I’m a master on laying LOL!
Have a bless Sunday!
Gina L.
agsainz at gmail dot com
I just have to say I love Steve the turkey….so cute. I didn’t know about Post It Craft Paper. I will definitely have to look for it. TFS: )
[email protected]
These would be great to cut out all the pieces and give to the kids on Thanksgiving to piece together. Keep them busy for a little while. I do love create a critter and you Joy!
What a cute project!!! 🙂 I am in love with the Create a Critter Cartridge! And I’ll have to get some Post-It Craft Paper! It’s perfect for Cricuteering.
Thanks so much for sharing,
partridgelu at yahoo dot com
I really like the post it paper, I wish they sold it in bigger packs with a bigger variety of colors!! Steve is such a great name for a turkey! Do you name your actual turkey on thanksgiving day?