All stamps are high quality photopolymer and are clear stamps.  They are made to be used with acrylic blocks and they easily cling to the blocks.  Clear stamps are great because you can see where you are stamping.  Shipping 1st Class USA, 1st Class International & Priority.

All Around Sentiments Clear Stamps

These stamps are made to be used with standard 1″ and 1 – 1/2″ circle punches as well as alone.

$16.99 – These items are a PRE-ORDER and will begin shipping Thanksgiving week.

Father & Son Clear Stamps

The Father & Son stamps work perfectly with the Mother & Daughter stamps.  Now you can make many different kinds of greetings to many family members, friends, coaches and teachers.

$16.99 – These items are a PRE ORDER and will begin shipping Thanksgiving week.

Mother & Daughter Clear Stamps

The Mother & Daughter stamps work perfectly with the Father & Son stamps.  Now you can make many different kinds of greetings to many family members, friends, coaches and teachers.

$16.99 – These items are a PRE ORDER and will begin shipping Thanksgiving week.

Lots of Pun Clear Stamps

The Lots of Pun stamps were the first set I made.  They go well with many Cricut cartridges.

$16.99 – These stamps are in stock and now shipping.

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  1. I absolutely love the All Around Sentiment Stamps I need to order those. The others are cute also but these are my favorite!

  2. Joy……I would like to order all 4 sets of your stamps but I would like them to all come together because 3 of them are pre orders and the older set is not. Could you do that if I ordered all of them. Vicky ps: did you get my email about the MTC software.

    1. Winnielosie,
      Yes, I’m happy to ship them all at once for you. 🙂
      I don’t think I got your email about the MTC software. 🙁 Unless, I already answered it and forgot, LOL! Busy day! 😉

  3. I really like these stamp sets. The Mother and Daughter one would get sooo much use from me. I am loving the all around one as well. Oh, what the heck I’m getting all three I hope on Friday. Thank you so much for making these affordable. I love them.

  4. I sincerely love your new stamps…especially the All Around and Mother Daughter…so creative and fun.
    thomfam at inreach dot com

  5. I really love your stamps. I have been thinking about trying to make me one. I would never be as good as you are but heck what else am I doing. You have alot of things I would love to buy. One of these days I am going to suprise you and order these things. Keep up the wonderful job.

  6. Pingback: Joy's
  7. These look great! Very cute and very versatile too. I have an idea for a couple of stamp sets (and no idea how to make them happen)…do you take ideas from people for your sets? MJ

  8. Love the stamps, especially the round ones. I like it when you can use stamps with punches and round ones instantly make a project more interesting.

  9. I purchased the Lots of Pun stamps and the Vinology DVD about six weeks ago. The stamps stamp beautifully and there are SO many projects on the DVD. Joy, you are amazing! I cannot wait to add the other three sets to my collection!
    Sheree Whigham Burress

  10. I love your stamps. I perfer the clear stams so you can see where your putting them. Glad you went clear.

  11. OK JOY, enough with all the new stamps and DVD! They won’t give me the overtime at work that I need to keep up with all this cuteness you keep creating. lol 😉

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