3D Ghost & Zombie Using Silhouette SD

Zeb the Zombie & 3D Ghost

 This is Zeb.  He lives on my desk in the Half Craft which is the office I share with DH.  Now I mostly craft here, but I’m holding down the fort in the Half Craft today.  I made that 3D ghost using my Silhouette SD, but I had a horrible time with it.  It cut out perfectly, but assembly?  That was another matter.  It was REALLY a pain to assemble (for me).  Maybe other people were able to put it together without any trouble, but sadly that was not my experience.  AND THEN…the ghost tried to scare Zeb!  It didn’t work.  Zeb ate him.

Screenshot from my Silhouette SD.

Zeb and I had such high hopes for this cute project.  I think Zeb was just hungry though.  I didn’t know that Zombies consider ghosts a delicacy.  Weird.

Zeb helping.

Zeb couldn’t wait for this project to get finished!

The ghost went to pieces.

Zeb likes to be involved in my Halloween projects.  Here the ghost has been cut out and removed for assembly.

Be sure to hover over the photo above to read the pop up!

Here's what the finished project should look like.

It was only .99 and OH SO CUTE…but I couldn’t get all the pieces to line up in the slots without them collapsing again.  The back of mine is hardly in any of the slots.  It only looks as good as it does because my flash was so bright that it’s hiding some flaws.  I spent almost 45 minutes trying to get it to look right, when I realized that I had spent waaaaay too much time on that.  I just did the best I could and called it done, then I put pepper on the ghost.  Zeb really likes pepper.  He had a feast!

You know what?  Sometimes projects just don’t turn out like you’d hoped.  That’s ok!  There’s always another project on the horizon…or craft table. 😉

Zeb Says, “Eat Your Veggies…and Eat His Veggies too because he hates veggies.”

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  1. What a shame although yours looks great in the photo it is so frustrating when you cannot get something to work, I hate to be defeated but at times you just have to give up.
    Kim xXx

  2. Hahahaha, adorable ghost and post! See my mad rhyming skills? LOL, I love the cut files you can get from the SIlhouette store. In fact, I have a bunch of credits now, maybe I should go shopping and pick this little guy up!

  3. Cute,Cute,cute! funny Post Joy! Zeb is adorable and so is your ghost! Your ghost may not have been exactly how it was suppose to be but I still like it… It’s just a freaky ghost! LOL


  4. Your ghost looks fine, maybe almost scared! Love your post, you are hilarious!

    Sorry it didnt line up right!


    hollyshobbie at gmail dot com

  5. I love the ghost. It’s spooktacular. Ok so I guess I’m not that funny lol. Even with it not lining up, I love it.


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