Exclusive cart alert!! Â Also…check out the boxes. Â Cricut Lite called…they want their boxes back. Â LOL! Â So, Provo Craft has partnered with Creative Memories on these 2 (to start) Cricut cartridges. Â I like the purple color on the Reminisce Accents cart below. Â Other than that…I remain un-bowled over. Â Whaddaya think? Â Gotta have it? Â Or…already own it and it’s called Sentimentals and/or looks like my other carts had a baby?

Is the Season of Donuts included? Â I doubt it.

We’ve seen these images before, but I agree there’s a slight twist to them.

I just did an update to the Cricut Cartridge Checklist and now…new carts!  LOL!  I’ll get them added this weekend. 😉
I like the first one, but the second one is not my taste in scrapbooking.
I can’t wait to see these being used by the new cricut (the one with the printing option)! I agree with breedlove57, the first one is really cute but the second one doesn’t excite me at all!
I agree that they aren’t very exciting, but I think they fit the “look” of Creative Memories. I love the pages, books and sleeve protectors offered by Creative Memories, but their embellishments have always been on the safe side and very plain.
LIke the first one, not interested in the second one.
The second one would be my choice of the two evils……LOL….. I have so many carts that have all the cutesy stuff that the first one offers….. so I will be ordering the second……
Interesting. If PC is partnering with CM now, they should consider integrating CM”s Storybook 3.0 (digital design software) into the new Imagine. That would be some real power for designing, printing and cutting… I’d always been a Photo Shop girl, but a copy of Storybook off eBay has converted me. Thanks for the info.
Wow! For many years, I’ve been a big fan of CM and was surprised to see this partnership! I love them both! The second one is perfect for a heritage album. Thanks Joy for posting!!!
I like the first one alot! I have it on my list of ones to get. The second one I can live without I can’t see me using anything on it.
I’m still on the fence over these two…sure do look an awful lot like other carts I own…
Each of these cartridges coordiantes with a brand new Power Palette Paper System that Creative Memories also revealed yesterday at their annual convention. You will also be able to get these same systems digitally and use them with their Storybook Creator Plus Software (which, in my opinion, can do WAY more than the Imagine) for completing digital pages, designs and books. The options are going to be endless with these three things combined, traditional scrapbooking, Cricut carts and digital!!!
Wow Edencmscrap, that IS pretty cool. Geeze, now I need to go check out that Storybook Creator Plus software you’re talking about. You little enabler you! 😉
Oops — “coordinates”
Not overly impressed with either one. Most of the images look a lot like images on other carts. I don’t think I’d use either one enough to justify buying one.
I like both of the Creative Memories cartridges. My mom is big into Creative Memories – she’s made six or seven books with them and monthly scrapping get to gathers. Ok so Mom would like Reminisce Accents.
I heard rumor awhile ago that CM and PC were going to join together..guess it wasn’t a rumor :). I do like the first cart more than the 2nd..I think I would use it more…but then again..I tend to buy them all..lol. Thanks for the pics of these carts!
Sorry Joy — I am a consultant 🙂 The Imagine is just too expensive and I can do TONS more with the digital software. $64.99 vs. $599.99? No question for me. Yes, you have to buy content, but much less expensive than carts and unlimited design options. Ha ha – being an enabler is my favorite job!
LOL Edencmscrap! I’m glad you let me know about the software. I love learning about all kinds of crafting things. 🙂
let me know if you want to know more or hook up with a consultant in your area. Just check out the consultant finder on the main Creative Memories website. It is worth your time. Make sure that who ever you find knows what they are talking about when it comes to the digi software & good luck!
It really depends on the price. The first one looks like so many others. The second I like but not sure if I will use it enough.
I love the first one. But I don’t know if I would use the second much. Thanks for the preview!
What cool carts. They both are making my crafting mind go to working.
Eh…don’t have to have them…
I am also a CM consultant & am thrilled about the two companies partnering! Cricut & StoryBook software together are great!
Ok, I’m starting to really get excited about this CM and PC pairing. You ladies are a terrible influence! LOL! 😉
Man…with all of the new carts coming out..perhaps it’s time to look into buying stock in this company?????
I have to agree with you Joy…I am un-bowled over as well. I’m still bummed that PC decided to make the European Decor cart into the Cricut Circle exclusive cart. So sad!!!!
They do look alot like what I already have….thank goodness….money saved!
Well neither of these are calling me yet, will wait to see what is created first.
Kim xXx
FINALLY! 2 carts I’m NOT interested in! There are way too many carts coming out that I AM intereseted in to put these on the list. There’s similar content on other carts that will get me by without these. Good idea on the partnership though. Maybe they’ll get together and do more!
Joy,I do like the second one most but does make me think of my Sentimentals cart.but I still like it and would buy it.joy
Not thrilled with either of these, do like the 2nd one more that the first, but mostly likely would not buy either one.
Flip Flops, Sunglasses, snowmen, fluers, scrolls – so many designs – so little time!
I like both of them but if I had to pick number 2. I am planning on doing a family tree album and I can see some uses for it.
I’m also a CM Consultant and love that CM is partnering w/Provo Craft. These cartridges coordinate w/paper & stickers & other items. I’m thrilled & my customers seem to be, too!
I like both of these but I have so many on my wish list if I added more hubby would have a heart attack. LOL
angel hugs
Is it just me or is crafting getting too confusing???? It seems like every day something new hits the market that is bigger and better than the last thing I bought that I haven’t used yet!!! I think I’ve seen most of the images on both cartridges or something similar!! I’m still trying to get around the $39 price tag on the Lite Cartridges. I have about 25+ cartridges now and have uncovered my cricut twice!!! Is there a site to buy more time?? That’s the cartridge I need!!!
Luv ya’ll
I do love the new lite boxes better than the cardboard ones. I wish all would come in those.