The NEW 12″ Silhouette Cameo

I’m soooo thrilled!!  I can confirm that Silhouette is coming out with a 12″ machine because I just saw the prototype at Summer CHA 2011.  It’s called the Cameo.  Sad part?  It’s not coming out until October, but hey, we’ll all be able to get it in time for Christmas!  SWEET!

Some changes to the Silhouette from SD to Cameo, besides the 12″ cutting area, are that it will have an adjustable blade.  I’m not sure if that is an option or a standard.  The prototype that I used was using the standard blade with the caps that you’ve come to know and love.  I asked if it would still be able to use those and they said yes.  However, there are some instructions on the inside of the machine’s lid that showed how to adjust the new blade.  I asked about it and was told that it will be available later and was a click style adjustable blade.  (That means you twist it to raise or lower the blade and it clicks as you pass the different numbered levels.)  Again, this was a prototype and things are subject to change.

The Cameo will use the same awesome Silhouette software the SD currently uses, so I was told.  That’s cool with me because that software ROCKS!

This machine will have an MSRP of $299.99 which keeps it competitive with other machines of this size.


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