These are 3×3 Calling Cards Used for Cricut Circle Crop Swapping.

Things to take to a Crop

I went to MY FIRST CROP EVER!!  It was a Cricut Circle crop held in Atlanta.  I was a total crop newbie.  I didn’t know what to take, what went on…nothing.  I figured it out though. 😉  Some of the things I took were:  paper, adhesives, some Joy’s Life stamps, ink, scissors, a trimmer with a scoring blade, an extension cord and my Cricut Expression.  I didn’t have a special scrap bag to take so DH helped me pack a rolling carry on bag and strapped my Cricut to the top.  It worked great!

I also took some vinyl and transfer tape along, which turned out to be a good thing because I was asked to do a vinyl/Cricut Vinylology demo.  It was soooo cool because the other demos were done by none other than Shannon from Provo Craft and the awesome and talented Teresa Collins.  Wow.  I got to meet Teresa Collins!!!  She is so nice and so pretty…just like she is on TV.  There will be some Teresa Collins Cricut Imagine cartridges out soon!  We got to do a make and take with some of her papers from those cartridges.  AWESOME!

How to Make Cricut Calling Cards

I’d heard a lot about Calling Cards being used for crops, but I wasn’t sure what was expected.  I decided to make it fast and yummy, so I used my Cricut Imagine and the Yummy Imagine cartridge to print and cut my cupcakes and their backgrounds.  I used pop dots to pop the cupcakes up off of their backgrounds.

I used the Cricut Imagine Yummy cartridge along with my YUMMY PUNS stamps!!

So, the basic rule about the calling cards for the Cricut Circle crops is that the calling cards must be 3″x 3″.

You use them for entering prize drawings AND for exchanging with other people.  It’s amazing the different cards that people make.  Uh…don’t be like this newbie, make enough.  I didn’t realize that everyone exchanged them, but they do and they expect you to have one to share.  Find out how many people will be at your crop and make enough.  Take an extra extension cord too.  Mine came in handy for Shannon when she did a Yudu demo.

What Goes on a Cricut Calling Card

Lastly, you create the back of your card.  The back is where all of your info goes.  Most have some or all of the information mine has:  Name, Circle #, Circle Board Name, Email and blog address.  You can write other things on there too, but most people stick to the basics.  I hope this helps you!  Even if you’re not part of the Cricut Circle, I think the calling card idea is great for many get togethers, don’t you?  I guess the old days had a pretty good idea, huh?  Next, we should all get butlers so they can receive our cards for us when people come to visit.  Oh YEAH!

Now for the fun!! My friends at Cricut for have graciously donated one of their awesome Cricut cartridges!! Just leave a comment on this post for a chance to win the Give a Hoot Cricut cartridge. I’ll choose a winner on (EXTENDED TO MONDAY, March 21).


scraptasticgrammy Says:
March 14th, 2011 at 9:27 AM

These calling cards are awesome. And I would love to see one of your vinyl demos in person because I love your DVD.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Marijo aka Scraptastic Grammy

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  1. I love the cute cupcake calling cards! and I would love the Give A Hoot cricut cartridge! Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Your cards look YUMMY! Give a Hoot is a really great cartridge. I’d like to win it for my sister.

  3. Hi Joy,

    I’ve been hearing a lot about “calling” cards but I didn’t know what they were used for at crops. Thanks so much for explaining their use. I loved your calling cards — so colorful and cheerful. Thanks too for the opportunity to win the Give a Hoot cartridge.

  4. Love the color combo! I am enjoying all the cupcake images more than I thought I would! It is very festive! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Joy!

    I LOVE LOVE the cards!!! Cupcakes are my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic cartridge 🙂

  6. Thanks Joy For all you info you give us scrappers and another giveaway. Love the cupcakes great idea I teach CCD to 3rd graders and i usually give tickets to prizes I give away all the time for handing in home work etc etc………….I will be doing a project like this when the time comes.Give a hoot would be perfect to use.

  7. I like the calling cards. I think they would help you remember the person who gave it to you better than just a blank business-type card. But now…. I want a cupcake!

  8. Joy- Cute – Cute – Cute! A big ROLL TIDE and I love your site! You have inspired my inner creative diva! I have learned so much from your site and especially from the Cricut Vinylology dvd!
    Thanks for the chance to win but most of all for the daily inspiration. 🙂

  9. Wow what a great giveaway I have wanted this cartiridge since i seen it … TY for all your great ideas and projects.. Lynn

  10. Love the calling cards. I think I will make some for when I go to scrapbooking camp. Also, love the give away. Thanks so much for sharing all that you know. It helps the rest of us who aren’t as creative. 🙂

  11. your cards are awesome. so yummy looking it made me go out in buy me a cuppy cake. seems as if i need to research this card thing.

    thanks for the chance to win this cart. i been looking for it for awhile.

    your the best joy and your project rawk. keep up the awesome work.

  12. Your Creations are so Awesome!!! I have to try the Welding thing on the gypsy to make a card, I just got my gypsy and this looks like a great project to do!!!!
    Thank you for Sharing!!
    Aloha, Shar

  13. I’ve never heard of calling cards for a crop and in my area I have never heard of a Cricut crop. Love your cupcake calling cards ……. they are so cute and colorful.

  14. Thanks for all of the great info! I have actually been trying to find out about crops. I have never been to one..but I love papercrafting. I’m thinking about trying to host a crop for our Relay for Life team.. to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Do they usually charge a for fee to go to a crop? If you have any more information on crops, I would love to hear it. You can e-mail me at rlj 547 at comcast dot net . Thank you so much.
    (: (: SMILES 🙂 🙂
    Robin aka thecricutscrapper

  15. Oh Joy these are super sweet lol. Love the colours you chose for the cupcakes and these are a really lovely way to meet and keep in touch with crafty people.
    Kim xXx

  16. Those cupcake calling cards came out super cute. I love the colors.
    Love you site, you give the best helpful info and your drawings are great too.

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