Punch Bowl Flower Arrangement

All this punch bowl used to hold was dust!

I love this punch bowl.  My Mom no longer wanted it so she gave it to me.  It is very heavy and has a huge plate that it sits on that won’t fit anywhere.  I love it; I just don’t always have a need for a punch bowl.  Know what I mean?  AND…the only place it will fit, besides my kitchen or dining room table, is on the top of my ovens.  So, for the longest it sat up there, empty, being a dust receptacle.  Until ONE DAY I had a brilliant idea!!  I’d fill it with some leftover raffia, stuff some Styrofoam in there and jam in some flowers.  So, that’s exactly what I did!

Those flowers are from WalMart.  I bought a big sheet of Styrofoam from Michael’s and I just cut it into the sizes I needed.  For this arrangement, I cut several pieces into various round shapes until I built it up to the size of the bowl.  Then I just hot glued the pieces together.  Next, came the “jamming of the flowers”.  I mean, the meticulous and careful arrangement of the flowers.  You know, where I crammed them in there, LOL.  When I first made this arrangement I added pumpkins in there (as seen), but I later took them out.  It looks better without.

**A little tip…when doing an arrangement like this, use a table top lazy susan.  Perfect for spinning the arrangement around to evenly place things!

Tomorrow I’ll show you the spider webs outside my house.

No, they’re not real!  ‘Cause that would be way too creepy for me.


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