A few months ago, I was telling you about Consumer Crafts and this haul of crafty goodness that I got from them.  Well guess what?  They’re running a Pin It to Win It contest where you make a board on Pinterest of the crafty things you really want and you have a chance to win up to $500 of your list!  Woo hoo!  I think planning a list is almost…but not quite…as exciting as actually winning.  LOL!  I’m always making crafty lists!  Here’s what I put on my Pin It to Win It list.

Pin the top 10 items on your craft wish list for a chance to win up to $500 in craft supplies from ConsumerCrafts!

Here’s how you enter:

1.    Follow ConsumerCrafts on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/consumercrafts
2.    Follow Joy’s Life on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/superjoy
3.    Create a Pinterest board called “Craft Wish List”
4.    Go to ConsumerCrafts.com and pin 10 craft supplies you’d like to win
5.    Enter the link to your Craft Wish list board and complete your entry here:  http://pages.email.consumercrafts.com/pin-it-to-win-it

Hurry, Entries must be received by March 31st!

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I wrote this post as part of a paid campaign with Consumer Crafts and Blueprint Social. The opinions in this post are my own.

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