National Scrapbooking Day

Happy National Scrapbooking Day, my crafty friends!  I wanted to share with you some wonderful scrapbooking pages that Sarabeth and Jennie designed.  They’re on the Joy’s Life Design Team and have made some really creative pages.  Looking at their work is really pushing me to get my own pages started.  I’ve only done one so far!  Yikes!  Can you say, way behind?  That would be me.  Oh well!  Even if we haven’t done our own pages we can still enjoy these beauties!

Created by Jennie

This is so precious.  The picture is so sweet and moving on its own but Jennie really went all out by tying these wonderful colors, textures, stamps and sweet embellishments together.  I think it’s a perfect layout.  It shows a lot, says a lot about the photo but nothing about the layout overpowers the central focus, the gentleness of that lovely photo.  The place she chose to put the photo pulls your eyes right to it.

You can read more about this inspiring layout on Jennie’s Design Team Post here.

Even Jennie’s title for this layout touches my heart.  She calls it “The Tiny Love of My Life”.  That’s how I feel about my children.  I am beginning to see the real importance of scrapbooking.  It’s such a gift to your own family, a way to express yourself and be creative.  I love that Jennie writes on her layouts in her own handwriting.  Don’t you know that will be so meaningful to her daughter when she’s older?  Tears!!!  Ok, I’m getting all mushy now.

Here’s a link to Jennie’s post on the Joy’s Life Design Team Blog.

Look how Jennie uses fun color and patterns in little squares to give this layout a cute and quirky but warm quilt-like look.  She’s showing the beginnings of her child’s fun personality in this layout.  Jennie has stamped the rosette ribbon/badges with fun sayings from the Joy’s Life Lots of Pun stamp set on them.

You can read more about Jennie’s layout on this Design Team Post.

Created by Sarabeth

I love this layout by Sarabeth.  These different photos say so much about who the men in her life are and why they are important to her.  Sarabeth added a stamp from the Joy’s Life You’re So Punny stamp set to the top of her layout that really says it all about how she feels, “Lucky Me having You in my Life”.  I really, really get that.  This week was the 11th anniversary of the death of my father.  It was a hard week for me, especially since I found out this time last year that my uncle only had a few months to live and had not told anyone because he didn’t want to upset people.  MEN!  I have to make light of his choice not to tell because he is gone now and though I miss him terribly I have to overlook the time I didn’t know how little time was left and instead think about how much he meant to me.  I named my second son after him.  He filmed my wedding for me.  He was a quite strength in the hospital for me when my father died.  When I was little, he took me for my first ride on a motorcycle.  He also took 5 year old me on a date with his girlfriend, who was also named Joy.  I love the Rolling Stones and Mustangs (cars) because he had a Mustang and I remember the Rolling Stones playing when he would take me on rides.  These are things that should be chronicled.  I see why scrapbooking is so important.  I haven’t scrapped these events but I should.

You can read more about Sarabeth’s layout on the Joy’s Life Design Team blog.

Created by Stacey

No, it’s not a traditional scrapbook page but sometimes you might not want to create a page.  This is for you!  Create a photo montage and put it in a frame.  Add some embellishments like these fun flowers Stacey created.  You can even stamp on a frame, Stacey did!  She really tied these fun pictures together by using (my husbands favorite stamp) “We Are the Wild Life” from Joy’s Life Wild Life Puns stamps.

You can read more about Stacey’s project on her post here on the Joy’s Life Design Team blog.

I hope you enjoy your day!  My daughter has her prom tonight!  I’ll be happy when she’s back safe and sound. 😉

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  1. Great inspiration. Gotta love National Scrapbook Day!!!

    Sew Sweet N Crafty

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