Yes, I really stuck my name to my Cricut Expression.

Ok, I’m really starting to fall in love with my Gypsy now.  Admittedly, when it first came out…it was Suck-tacular.  Really.  It wouldn’t weld correctly at all, especially if you flipped an image.  It was AWFUL!!  It had a bunch of problems, but that was the one that made me the maddest.  However, with the most recent updates..IT WELDS EVERYTHING!!!  So, I finally got it to weld my name.  Sounds like it should have been a simple enough project, but in this creation I flipped the “Y” and it wouldn’t weld for anything.  Anyway, now it’s perfect and I love it and I just cut out my name.  I’m clearly, so proud, LOL.  I learned to spell JOY!

Ahhh, sweet Gypsy.  You allow me to lay in bed and design.  You’re my best friend.  (And so is DH who brought me breakfast and my Gypsy in bed.)

So, in honor of the Gypsy finally doing what I wanted it to do, I made this cut using the Gypsy Font.

The only way to get the Gypsy Font is to buy the Gypsy. It comes preloaded on it.  The worst thing about the preloaded Gypsy Font and Gypsy Wanderings is that Provo includes these little useless cards that only have a few of the images from each cart on them.  You have to go to their site to view a booklet or scan the Internet for a cheat sheet that someone made.  Doesn’t that make you want to kick someone in the shin?  Is it just me?  Could be.

Let’s take ANOTHER look at my name…hee hee hee.  Who’s in love with themself?  LOL

Ok, so after I printed out my name…or that Christmas sentiment, whichever.  I decided to run it through my new Xyron, which I’m also totally in love with.  I’ll probably run one of the children through it next.  How did I go so long without a Xyron?  Anyway, it’s really sort of stupid that I used cardstock and my Xyron, because I have a lot of vinyl and this was the perfect project for it.  Oh well, let this just be a lesson that you don’t have to have vinyl…unless you’re doing one of those projects where you have to have vinyl…LOL.  So, I ran my name through the Xyron and stuck it to my Cricut Expression.  (Where it’s going to get dirty, torn and create a mess when I try to take it off…but for now looks really cute.)

Hmmm, what can I make next?

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