Teresa Collins Cricut Cartridges Announced

Exciting news for Teresa Collins fans!  She has collaborated with Provo Craft to create both a regular Cricut cartridge and one for the Cricut Imagine!  Very nice!  So far they’re saying the cartridges will have frames and be ornate.  

There’s also a new I-top announced.I don’t even have an I-top…but I’ve been thinking I need an I-top. If you think the same thing you’re in luck 2 ways. I’m betting the current one is going to go on sale because it was just announced that a new one is on its way.  Sadly, it’s way takes a while and isn’t planned to make its debut until June.

UPDATE: Now there are all kinds of button makers available, like the I-top!

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  1. Yep, saw the video last nite. I can’t wait!
    Google I-Top. Its not something I ever felt I needed but will see what the new one is about.

  2. Thanks for sharing the video. Everyone is having fun and the new cart should be a good one to look forward to.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

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