Do you ever do this, buy Groupons and then not use them?  I do!  So this week I decided to gather up three of my unused Groupons (as well as my 3 kids) and travel to the local places they were for.  The kids and I had never been to any of these places, so it was a fun little local discovery.  This week’s mini-uno-day-cation is what I am labeling…”Groupon-ing”!

Gordo’s New York Style Pizza in Duluth, GA.  Shares the parking lot with a gas station…okaaayy.  The pizza is yum.

It’s been several weeks since I posted about our weekly mini uno day cations.  The reason?  One week everyone got a stomach bug.  Ugh.  The next week, we took an out of town trip to see Super Daughter’s college and attend Freshman Orientation.  I survived.  LOL.  I’m finding that the whole experience of my first child leaving home is certainly a learning and growth process…read that as “I wake up in a panic about EVERY worry any mother has EVER HAD … and I find myself happy for her and sad for me at the same time … and she hasn’t even left yet”.  LOL.  Pitiful.  I will miss her but I’m excited for her new adventure.

Wow, we played 27 holes of golf in the heat. LOL!

After pizza, we headed to my next local deal.  It was for Pirate Golf.  About 2 months ago, I bought 27 holes of golf for 4 people for $18.  I found that deal through another local deal site that is like Groupon.  We had a great time.  I’m glad I finally cashed in my coupon!

None of us will EVER make a living playing golf. LOL!

We’re awful at mini golf but we had a ton of fun playing it!

And now for the hit of the day…CUPCAKES!

I want a whole cake of the red velvet. It was GREAT!

The best Groupon I ever bought?  Well, really it was one I got last year for the Atlanta Symphony at Christmas…but besides that … it was for a dozen cupcakes for $10 from The Baking Grounds bakery.  The YUM factor is at a 10 out of 10.

My oldest son picked a key lime cupcake with key lime butter creme icing.

Sometimes you try a place and you like it but for whatever reason you just never go back.  That’s not happening here.  I am definitely going back!  And I’ll be buying…

“THE ELVIS”…Peanut butter banana cake and peanut-butter butter creme icing.

As I write this post, I am demonstrating terrific restraint because my feet are ready to run to the bakery and buy another Elvis cupcake.  They really had my number when they created this peanut butter and banana beauty.  I bow to the cupcake gods.  Very nice. 😉

Well, if you’re like me you’ve got a stack of unused Groupons, coupons or other great deals hanging around, take a day and go enjoy them.  It was fun to finally cash them in!  This day of “Groupon-ing” cost me about $20.  That covered the remainder of the pizza bill, tip and waters at the golf place.  I’d purchased the Groupons previously.

It was a very close to home, low key, mini uno day cation but we really enjoyed it!  Like I’d feared, summer has flown by and it’s almost time for school to start again.  (My kids go back waaaay too early. BOOOO!!  Hiss!!!)  I think I’ll only be able to squeeze in one more mini-uno-day-cation!

Have a happy day, no matter what you do!

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  1. I’ve only used Groupon once, but I really should check it out more often — especially after seeing the fun day you and your kiddos had with your Groupons. Those cupcakes look divine! I wish I lived closer so I could check them out.

  2. My hubby has bought several GroupOn deals & we have used all except for 1 so far. One we bought last yr was for an old fashioned Soda Fountain shop in downtown Dallas and we had been there before. We used that Groupon deal for our anniversary lunch. Another one was for a new to us Italian restaurant in McKinney, TX (N or where we live by approx 20 miles) and we enjoyed a wonderful dinner the 3 of us. Groupon has some wonderful deals.
    “Sunshine HoneyBee”

  3. I love Groupon! That’s how my husband and I decide what we are doing for date night (okay, I’m the one who does it, otherwise we wouldn’t have date nights 🙂 ). Sounds like you had a very yummy time!

  4. I don’t live close to anything so the “Groupon” thing is out for us…. But I gotta say your boys look ADORABLE! The youngest looks a lot like you…. 🙂 Those cupcakes look wayyyy tooo yummy! And I know school starts wayyy to early for my boys too! UGH! My oldest boy is ready to go back to school (college) and my second oldest son will graduate early… this December!!! AHHHH so He’ll be leaving shortly….. It’s a good thing I had another baby later in life…. At least he’s still sweet and young and will be around for awhile, while the other 2 are off doing worldly things…. Or so I hope anyway!!! LOL Enjoy your last mini day cation! 🙂


  5. I love Groupon! I have gotten amassage, mani pedi, bowling, lazer tag, horse backing riding, tree triming, 5 star dinners, magic lessons and one really bad hair cut. It is always an adventure.

    1. Gail,
      You crack me up! “…and one really bad hair cut.” LOL! You’re a Groupon Queen! I’m bowing to your Grouponeyness. 😉

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