
Summertime and the Celebration is Easy: Celebrate Every Goal This Summer

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Celebrate Every Goal This Summer #CelebrateEveryGoal #shop #cbias

Isn’t it wonderful when the school year ends, summertime arrives and we can finally slow down a bit?  Yes!  Although our slowing down still means that I’m driving my sons to football and cross country practice most mornings … so, slow is relative.  I do love that the boys staying active is helping keep our whole family focused on our fitness goals, which is something we set off the new year working toward.  One great way to celebrate even the small goals is to find ways you can celebrate together.

Celebrate Every Goal This Summer #CelebrateEveryGoal #shop #cbias

Each of the five of us has different fitness goals.  One son is getting fit for football while the other is training to make the cross country team.  My husband and I are trying to lose weight and we’re all working to get stronger.  We reinforce and celebrate our fitness goals by taking family outings that keep us physically fit.  We love to hike!  Doing group things like that helps each of us get closer to our goals which is a win for everyone!

I won’t call anyone out but one of us is celebrating conquering a fear of roller coasters by making a goal of riding everything in the amusement park about a billion times!  It’s been so fun since (he who shall not be named) finally decided to hop aboard these rides.  It’s so much better than his previous amusement park experience of holding things while everyone else rode.  Poor thing.  Since I bought park passes for everyone as Christmas presents, we’ve been rocking the amusement park scene like crazy.  I love that they still enjoy going places with me!

Celebrate Every Goal This Summer #CelebrateEveryGoal #shop #cbias

Check out these Food Posts

 My husband is teaching me how to grill!  Learning to grill is my yummiest summertime goal.  I’m keeping Neosporin and Band-Aids on hand because I’m pretty new to this and want to be prepared for anything wacky I might do…and the results of it.  LOL!  Happily, we can eat whatever turns out well.

Celebrate Every Goal This Summer #CelebrateEveryGoal #shop #cbias

We’re all looking forward to the Big Soccer Game that’s coming up because some of us play soccer every day.  Wait.  That’s not accurate.  ALL of us play soccer every day…with our dog, Saban.  Seriously.  She’ll wait for you to kick it and take off after it.  She’s also an awesome guard.  Here’s a picture of her kicking it.  I don’t know which team we’ll cheer for during the Big Game but we’ll definitely tune in to pick up some tips!

What goals will you be celebrating this summer?  Remember to celebrate the big and small ones.  They are all part of the process of achievement!

Have a blast celebrating your goals this summer!

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  1. Joy,
    I love the picture of Tallulah Gorge…awesome. I love your older son’s t-shirts…perfect. And who would want to mess with Saban? He just jumps on you and you’re down for the count. I think you all are doing a good job from what I’ve seen, and you will accomplish your goals in no time. One last thing, I hope you got some burn cream…don’t want to get branded by the grill…ask me how I know.

    1. Blue Rose,
      My son and his shirts! 😉 I like that one too. He’s always surprising me with the ones he chooses. Did you see the one in the top photo? It says, “Bless your face”. I know it’s from some You Tube channel he follows but it’s so weird. LOL! It cracks me up. I should also mention that one our goals is teaching Saban to walk better on a leash in public. She does great until she gets distracted, then I’m flying behind her like a kite. It’s a process. 😉 Burn cream…yes! 😉

  2. Great goals! Looks like your family is already off to a fun and healthy start this Summer. My goal this year is to also master the grill, so I understand. Happy grilling and have a great Summer. #client

    1. Thanks so much, Andrea! I hope you and I are wearing the grill master hat and apron by the end of the Summer! I hope you have a great Summer too!

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