Cricut Machine User Manuals for Cricut Expression, Cricut Expression 2, Cricut Create, Cricut Personal, Cricut Cake and Gypsy

My friend, Peg, just asked me if the Cricuts came with user manuals because she couldn’t find hers.  They did!  If you can’t find your little booklet and need it for yourself or if you’re selling your machine and the new owner needs a copy here they are!

Cricut Expression 2 User Manual

 Click link to open .pdf file.

Cricut Expression User Manual

 Click link to open .pdf file.

Cricut Create User Manual

  Click link to open .pdf file.

Cricut Personal User Manual

  Click link to open .pdf file.

Cricut Cake User Manual

Click link to open .pdf file.

Gypsy User Manual

 Click link to open .pdf file.

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  1. Hi,
    Do you know if there are any books with operating instructions and projects for just the CE2?


    1. Hi Karen ~

      Hopefully, by now you know the answer to your question. I have two things that may be of interest to you. One is a DVD by Megan Elizabeth of Above Ruby Studio, titled “Use Your Cricut A-to-Z” and addresses the Personal Cutter, Expression, Expression 2, and Create. The wording on the front of the box is “Get the Most from Your Machine Think Like Your Cricut! Over 3 hours of fun & creativity, inspirational projects gallery, and How to use your Cricut, step-by-step.” This is the 2nd fully revised addition and includes updated techniques and all new projects.” The second thing is actually a book, titled “Cricut Expression, a comprehensive guide to creating with your machine by Cathie Rigby.” In a cloud on the front page says “also includes instructions for Cricut Expression 2.” I believe I bought both items from Amazon.

  2. WoW!! What a great site you have. Thanks for having all manual’s downloads all together. Trying to get back into crsfting and having them all together on my tablet is great for me. I have the CE, a Gypsy and now a Cricut Cake. Definatly saving your site for future referance. Love the way you make it so I can click on something and you trasfer me to something new or more information. Thanks again!

  3. I have lost a few of the booklets to my cartridges, is there a site that I can print them out?

  4. If you go to they have the books to view. I have saved them to my iPad by opening in Safari and saving. I don’t know of a place to print.

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