
Cricut Gingerbread Seasonal Cartridge and Cricut Tips VIDEO

In yesterday’s post I showed you all the cuts from the Trim the Tree seasonal Cricut cartridge.  Today, I am exploring the Gingerbread seasonal cart.  If the Trim the Tree cart was too intricate for you, you’ll LOVE this one!!  2 thumbs up on ease of use AND cuteness in this cart!  I’ve also got some Cricut Expression tips for you.  I hope you enjoy the video!

Don’t forget to leave a comment on yesterday’s post to be eligible to win a Cricut cartridge! Also, in yesterday’s post you’ll see all the cuts from the Seasonal Trim the Tree cart.

5 winners who’ve left comments on non-give away posts will be chosen at the end of NOVEMBER for some crafty prizes. Of course you can still leave comments on Give Away posts too!

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  1. Cute, cute cartridge. I think I like the snowman the best. Can’t wait to see what all you come up with for the holidays.
    angel hugs

  2. Thank you for doing this. I have this cart but haven’t used it yet. I hope you have a great day!

  3. Hi joy
    I have forwarded the original email I sent to you, if you still don’t get it can you email me at kimthompson68 at sky dot com and I will reply to that.
    Thanks Kim xXx

  4. I love the simplicity of this cartridge. I agree the use of white vinyl is a super idea. Looks real!

  5. Thank you, Joy! I just ordered all three – Trim The Tree, Gingerbread and Winter Lace. Now that I saw your video and pics, I can’t WAIT until mine arrive!! Fun, fun, fun!!! Have a great day!

  6. These are super cute! Thanks for showing them all. Did you see the new E’s they will have Black Friday at Walmart? I totally thought of you when I saw the purple one! 🙂

  7. Wasn’t sure about the cart but it really is cute. I can never find 12 x 24 paper…thanks for letting me know where you got it from. I never thought about using vinyl on the cuts but I am going to try it. The color pops so much better. Thanks for sharing all the tips and loved the video!

  8. great job joy! i had some extra money this month so i ordered some iron on vinyl from h&h sign supply to decorate some things for the kids. i love coming to ur sight and getting all of these great ideas!! i already have my husband a bit traumatized when i tell him that i was on ur site b/c he knows that means that i have to go out and buy something :0)

  9. I just got this cart over the weekend and haven’t had much time to play with it yet so perfect timing for your video – thanks so much for doing it!!

  10. I wasn’t drawn to this cartridge–but like most of them–you created the “need” for me!! You’re such an enabler!! I really love the vinyl ones and the glittery vinyl or paper would be so cool, too!!!

  11. Awesome video! Thanks for the vinyl tip…I just got my three seasonal cartridges in the mail yesterday! Woo Hoo! Playing today!
    thomfam at inreach dot com

  12. This cartridge is way cuter than I originally thought. I did buy it and made some sample cuts, not all like you did. Thanks for showing all the cuts. I can’t wait for this cartridge to link to my Gypsy. I plan on making cookies with my CC and some vinyl for my windows. I’m also going to try putting vinyl on clear ornaments. Thanks for all your awesome ideas and inspirations.

  13. Really cute cartridge. I did not want it till I watched your video. Thanks a lot!!! lol Thanks for the tutorial. It was very informative.

  14. This is my fave of the 3 seasonal cartridges….cute and easy!! They’ll make great tags….and good luck with the shopping! 🙂

    ~Sharon C.

  15. Love the simple cuts. They all look great and will work great for tags!! Thanks for sharing. Want to do my shopping too???

  16. Liking this cart and the idea of using the vinyl even made it more appealing. Thanks for the demo.

  17. Love this cartridge. I wasn’t really too interested in it until I watched your video. Love the clean lines and how simple it is. Thank for sharing.

  18. How cute these are, I wasn’t wanting any of these new carts. but this is sure cute…still looking for the sizes of your thanksgiving banner, I can’t find it any where. 🙁

  19. they will make great cookies on someones Cricut cake….my granddaughter will have a ball !!!!! thanx for sharing

  20. I didn’t think I wanted that cart unti I saw your video and the cuts you made with it. TFS (I think)! LOL!

  21. Gina, you did it again!! I wasnt’ interested in this cart but after your video now it’s on my list lol. I just love your site and ALL your videos they are so informative and gives me the incentive that I CAN do it! Thanx Gina, Keep on w/your teaching and we will keep watching..

  22. OH JOY I am soooo sorry I called you Gina.. Please forgive me… It is still true I LOVE your videos and you give us all inspiration to craft. Thanx again

  23. How cute. I am gonna use mine. But can’t for a bit craft room under construction.
    Joy…..has Gypsy updated the new trim the tree gingerbread an oh i can’t remember the other one. But everytime i try to update it tells me i already am but the new ones aren’t on there . Have you been able to put yours on the gyspy?

  24. Thank you Joy for showing us all the cuts on this cart! I love the candy cane…it is so super cute!!

  25. These cuts looks so cute! The vinyl idea rocks! I never thought to do that! I will try it even if I have adhesive, it’s much quicker I bet. Thanks for the idea!

  26. I just watched the video on the Gingerbread cart. I think I really want this one. Guess I will have to watch for it. Thanks for sharing the video. I loved all the cuts.

  27. Thank you for showing this cartridge – I wasn’t thinking I wanted it or needed it but after seeing what you did with the cuts I think I need it now. Love the vinyl!!!!

  28. Much cuter when made then the cart packaging looked. I t would make very cute cookie cutouts on the Cake. Also cute for ornaments to make for teacher gifts etc.

  29. I didn’t know if I wanted this cart but the cuts are so cute! I think I am going to have to break down now Joy lol.. my DH is not going to thank you.. but shhh what he don’t know wont hurt him right? 🙂

  30. Now I have to get this cartridge too!
    I love the idea of using them for gift tags…so very cute!

  31. What an adorable cartridge…. not sure which I could say is my favorite in it, they are all so cute….
    I think I am going to have to get that one!

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