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Back to School Blog Hop – Vinyl Teacher Gifts

I CANNOT believe that it’s time to go back to school!  Where did the summer go?  Well, between you and me…it’s still summer.  I mean, it’s hot here in the South until late October.  Hot should just equal summer as far as I’m concerned.  However, back to school means something very special to me.  Wanna know what it is?  It’s that…I can watch Lifetime TV movies while I’m at home doing Mom stuff and no one will EVER know, LOL!!  YAY back to school!  😀

I made this cute stack of necessary items for my youngest to take to school for his new teacher.  It’s made up of a cross between some very important things and some junk.  The very important things are…chocolate and candy.  The junk is rubber bands and 2 different sized paper clips.  Also, never give me little paper clips.  I super hate them.

Ugh…the 2 paper clip boxes had bumpy lids.  Grrr…

I used outdoor vinyl for all of the little box decorations.  By the way…today is the LAST DAY to get FREE SHIPPING on Joy’s Life Cricut Vinylology!!  AND…it starts shipping TODAY!!

Back to our Previously scheduled Back to School blog hop post…

I love these boxes.  Do you?  I got them at Office Depot.

You too can cut candy out of vinyl … just don’t eat it. 😛

 I used the Designer’s Calendar Cricut cartridge for the “Back to School” cut, Fabulous Finds for the paper clips (I had to cut them down a bit.  They had a weird piece on them.  I so need that Locker Talk cart.), From My Kitchen for “candy” and the Varsity Letter Cricut Lite cartridge for the “Big” and “Small” lettering.

Oh, I almost forgot!!

The Give-A-Way!!

I'm giving away the Tim Holtz Distressables 2 book!!  This is something that I hope you'll have a chance to enjoy now that the kiddos are headed back to school...even if you don't have kiddos...I hope you find a chance to learn some of Tim's cool techniques!
Just leave me a comment and I'll use Random.org to choose a winner.  I'll announce the winner on Monday, August 9,  2010.

Hop over and enjoy these blogs during your hop.  Their blogs will lead you to others!:

Cheryl at Nana's Creative Corner http://cheryl-gibson.blogspot.com/
Trish at 1/3 Chicklet http://onethirdchicklet.blogspot.com/


And the WINNER is:
2010/08/07 at 9:24 PM

Love these and Tim Holtz.



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  1. What a great idea for a teacher gift. I agree I hate small paperclips but that is all they will get for us at work so I have to deal with it. I really must try this project for my grandson’ s to give their teachers. Thanks for shareing and the chance to win some great blog candy.

  2. LOVE the teacher gift! I’m a teacher and we really appreciate thoughtful parents!
    Back to school time for me means less crafting time at home… Boo!
    But, more at school….Yea!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. Such cute ideas!!!!! I might have to getting working on a few similar to yours!!!! do cute! well done!!

  4. I love love love these little boxes. I have a few and I keep my sewing and hand embroidery supplies in them!
    What a great gift, as a former teacher – YOU DID GOOD!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Love this idea! I can think of so many uses for these little boxes. Keeping the chocolate for myself, of course 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity for some blog candy! Keep these great ideas coming our way!

  6. These boxes are so cute. I look at them every time I go to Office Depot. Thanks for the idea.

  7. Those containers are adorable! Thank you for sharing such a cute idea! Thanks for the chance at the blog candy also!

  8. I just bought those little boxes and yes they came from Office Depot. I didn’t know exactly what I was going to use them for, I just knew they were gonig into my craft room. Great give-away. I would love to win.

  9. I love your stack of necessary items for the teacher. My DIL is a teacher so this would make a wonderful back to school gift for her. Thanks for sharing your idea and the photos. So cute.
    Thanks to the blog hop this is my first visit.

  10. Awesome gift…had not thought of giving a teacher a welcome youre my kids teacher gift. neat idea. thanks

  11. These are great!! I love finding fun and useful projects! Thank you for the chance to win the Tim Holtz Distressables 2 book!

  12. I love your site. I found all the help I needed, which was a lot, right here. Thank you so much for sharing your projects and your expertise.

  13. More great ideas, thanks! I am always looking for new things to do with the vinyl.

  14. ohhhh! i love that idea…I am gonna label everything in my scraproom that way :)!

  15. Hi Joy! These are great little boxes. Great idea labeling them like that…i definitely agree with the candy and chocolate being more important….c’mon, be honest…how many did you eat while you were making these? Thanks for sharing and LOVE the giveaway too.

    [email protected]

  16. what a neat idea. I am sure those teachers are going to really appreciate those little boxes, especially the chocolate.


  17. That is an excellent idea! I am a teacher and I would LOVE it if one of my students brought me something like that at the beginning of school. Of course I am a music teacher and 2 different schools – I don’t even get tissues even though every child in the school comes through my classroom! Super super super cute – guess I need to go get some of those cute bins for my classroom!

  18. What a nice gift/idea to keep the teacher’s desk neat and organized. I look forward to learning all about vinyl when your video arrives.

    Katsews at Gmail dot com

  19. wow.. that’s really neat.. I have a school teacher friend… and my boy starts 6 grade this year with 7 periods hmmm … and you have a DVD on Vinyl! yes….. thanks for the extension!!! I’m so glad its ready to ship!!
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    [email protected]

  20. I love this idea! It must be because I am a teacher. I would love to receive this gift on my first day back to school. This is a very cute and useful idea. I will have to stop by after the hop and see what you do with vinyl. I want to make a project to place in a window, so I might be needing your site to help me.

  21. Super cute Idea for back to school. What better way to help the teacher stay organized? Great work!

  22. Loved the teacher’s gifts! Getting ready to order your vinyl DVD, too – can’t wait to get it!

  23. What a great idea. I could use this idea in my office to keep things organized.

  24. These containers turned out so cute! I think I need a few of these in my craft room.
    Thanks for sharing this idea with all of us.

  25. My craft area is made of plastic drawers, and they are sooo boring. Well, not anymore. Thanks for the fantastic idea! You rock, Joy.

  26. This is a neat idea. I actually bought a couple of these but I left them blank. But I do like the idead of decorating them with vynil.
    Thanks for the great idea!
    Jess M.
    my scrap diary

  27. I have a few little carry out containers similiar to yours, Thanks for the great inspiration! and Thanks for the chance at great candy too!

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