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  1. Thanks for the Sew Easy demo. I’ve been patiently waiting to get one. I even had a dream about one the other night. Hopefully my LSS gets them back in stock soon.

  2. im soooo jealous you got yours before i got mine, but tracking sats i get both plgs tomorrow, yeaaa….i reall love the effect it gives and using metallic emb floss will really add some bling!!!!!
    i had been looking all over the web for it and BAM, hsn popped up with it, sooo kewl, well enjoy i know i will…….Suni

  3. Thanks for the demo. I bought this a while back from QVC (UK) when it was TSV and haven’t used it yet. Looking forward to using it with my scrapbook pages.

  4. I have been debating whether or not I need a sew easy. Now I think I do 🙂

    Zippy looks so cute in is little ski outfit 🙂

  5. Thank you so much for showing this. I almost bought one of these the other day but didn’t know exactly how it worked. Now I will have to pick one up! Thanks Joy!

  6. thanks for the demo. Looks really easy. lol at Zippy. That’s a great little ski outfit.


  7. Joy,
    Great video as usual. I was going to buy this, but hubby would of shot me, cuz I have a regular sewing machine. (men know nothing
    Love the zippy out takes.
    Thanks for sharing

  8. Great video, I must admit…I have not seen the Sew Easy….I know I know ..what do I live under a rock….looks pretty cool,
    and Zippy….look at him go….he looks great skiing….

  9. Thanks for the demo. I love the effect that sewing gives to my scrapbook LO’s. I have been doing it the old fashion way of piercing the paper with a needle and then going back with floss. This will make it so much easier!

  10. sew easy looks like it would do a nice job 🙂 but I am to lazy to do something like that lol love love lovee zippy lol

  11. Interesting little tool. Love the video with Zippy. He is sooooo cute with his ski outfit.

  12. I got the sew easy about a month ago, and Im really disappointed in it. The straight ones work fine but the design ones dont punch through the paper at all after you use them a time or two! Then it takes all kind of time to push the needle through all the “holes” that it didnt make! Its such a great idea though!

  13. Interesting product. Thanks for showing it.
    Zippy looks styling in his ski outfit 😀
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

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