The Waterlogue App is Awesome – Here’s What It Does

I was checking out Instagram the other day and I fell down a rabbit hole.  I have no idea where I ended up (much like the time I ended up here and had a cuteness attack…TY Neil Patrick Harris) but what I do know is that I found a hashtag that led me to this awesome find…the Waterlogue app.

Waterlogue App #Waterlogue #ipad #itues #iphone #ipod

And in short…here’s how cool it is…

I chose this awesome photo that I took with my Ipad.  You may remember seeing it here.

Waterlogue App #Waterlogue #ipad #itues #iphone #ipod

Next, I choose the “Color Bloom” option in the app and I got this…

Waterlogue App #Waterlogue #ipad #itues #iphone #ipod

How seriously awesome is that?  I spent the next 45 minutes testing out different filters and photos until I remembered I had other things to do and finally stopped watercoloring my world.

The Sad Part

(UPDATE 1/24/2016 : You can now download it from the Window’s store for $2.99 too.)

This app is only for Apple products.  SAD!  I have an ipad mini but I just use it for playing games and goofing around.  I would love to have this on my Android phone!  Well, things aren’t  looking too good for my wish.  Here’s what Waterlogue has to say about that…

Waterlogue App #Waterlogue #ipad #itues #iphone #ipod

Probably not. Porting the graphics code in Waterlogue to Android would be a substantial task.  We would prefer to spend our time and energy making great iOS and Mac OS X apps.”

I added in the sad faces.  They probably aren’t as sad as I am.

Honestly, it really is too bad because this app is really fun.  I plan to watercolor some more of my world and print these bad boys out as cheap art.  YAY CHEAP ART!

The app is $2.99 in the itunes store.  I say…worth it.

I’m not affiliated with Waterlogue.  I just wanted to share this super cool app!


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  1. Aww that is too bad that the app is for apple products only. It sounds pretty cool to be able to put fun effects on photos directly from your phone and not have to upload it to a computer.

  2. When I first saw this app, I was on the fence, but I think I’m going to take the plunge. I love how the pictures came out and the price is reasonable! #SITSBlogging

  3. I *love* this app. And I love how it even textures the background to look like it’s on watercolor paper. I’m going the cheap art route too. 🙂

  4. I LOVE this app too!!!! So much fun. I love how it transforms portraits into paintings 🙂 At only $2.99 I thought that it was a steal. Instagram rabbit hole… seriously made me laugh out loud. Gotta love Alice references. Keep up the great writing.

  5. That looks amazing! I would have gotten lost down that hole, too! I’ve seen a few other very cool photo apps that do some great filtering, too. So much (too much!) fun to play with!! But I’ll have to check this one out! Coming by from SITS comment love!

    1. From the Waterlogue people:
      “You will need an Apple iPhone, iPad or iPod touch that is running iOS version 7 or great. The current version of Waterlogue will not run on:
      ~ Windows PCs
      ~ Android phones or tables
      ~ Kindle Fire
      ~ MacBooks or iMacs”
      But apparently they’re looking at developing a version for Mac desktop computers. Yay!! 🙂

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