The Perfect Gift for All Occasions AND Keurig K65 Special Edition Giveaway

This post has been compensated as part of a campaign for One2One Network and Keurig. All opinions stated are my own.

Keurig Giveaway #coffee #Keurig #JustBrewIt #giveaway

If you come to my house you’ll find a Keurig in my kitchen and in my craft room.  It’s a gift I give to others and to myself!  You know what I love about it?  First, it’s super easy to make a single cup of coffee, tea and other drinks.  I like that because when I want it…I want it now!  The Keurig makes it in under one minute with the touch of a button.  Awesome.

Keurig Giveaway #coffee #Keurig #JustBrewIt #giveaway

 I also don’t want old coffee or cold coffee.  So, if DH got up early and made a pot of coffee and I get up later it might be yucky by then! Ugh!  Plus, what if he makes a coffee I don’t want?  For example, he might make a pot of French  Roast but I want Vermont Country Blend or Sumatra.  What then?  The world comes crashing down, right?  Another option?  I make a single cup or cups of the flavor I want, right then.  Hot.  Perfect.  Just for me.  Ahhhh.

Keurig Giveaway #coffee #Keurig #JustBrewIt #giveaway

So, what makes a Keurig the perfect gift for a wedding, housewarming or to welcome a new baby to the home?  Let me tell ya.  I’m thinking about my cousin who is having her first baby…a girl!!  This is a great gift for a new mom because she can quickly offer a fresh cup of coffee, tea, etc. to her visitors without having to go to any trouble.  She can easily make herself some decaf, cocoas or a variety of teas.  So nice!  Perfect for when you’re up at 3pm or 3am.

Keurig Giveaway #coffee #Keurig #JustBrewIt #giveaway

This is the Kcup shelf for our Keurig in my pantry.  We’re serious about our Kcups.  We keep a variety of coffees and teas plus cider and hot cocoa.  A Keurig was the first gift I bought for my daughter for her dorm room.  She LOVES it.

Keurig Giveaway #coffee #Keurig #JustBrewIt #giveaway

Would you like a cup?  How about a whole Keurig® Special Edition brewing system for yourself?  Just enter the giveaway below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. AWESOME giveaway!!! I too have a Keurig machine and absolutely LOVE mine! So I guess you may be wondering why I’m entering hee hee! My son recently got married and I would soooooo LOVE to win this for them! They are starting out with nothing so we have been helping them get things they HAVE to have to get started. They don’t have a coffee machine and while they were living here got totally hooked on the Keurig and this is really on their wish list! It would be wonderful to surprise them with one! Thank you soooooooo much for the chance to win! Hugs, Leanne

  2. Mmm… What drinks? I would make mochas, teas and hot chocolates. My mom would love a dark roast and my sister a decaf!

  3. I’d give mine to my mom for her afternoon coffee. She likes regular coffee and sometimes the french vanilla.

  4. Coffee. Just coffee. Okay, so maybe a tea for the in-laws or cocoa for my son 🙂

  5. Joy,I want one of these sooooooooooooooo bad,Can you believe I don’t have one in my craftroom?????Great Giveway ,Joy

  6. I would so love a Keurig K65 Special Edition!!! I hear such great things about this brand and would love a chance to win one..Good luck to everyone…

  7. I’d say you are a very serious K-Cup drinker…you’re too funny, but so right. When you got to have it, you got to have it…now. And with so many choices, other than coffee, how can’t you go wrong? It makes a very nice gift.

  8. Thanks for the opportunity to win an awesome keurig. I would love me some hot chocolate, ice tea or hot apple cider.

  9. I would like to make cocoa and tea, my hubby would love it for coffee. What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

  10. I would probably make as much tea as coffee, and my girls would love the cocoa!

  11. I’d love to try lots of different kinds of coffee, tea and hot chocolates. Even in summer I love hot drinks.

  12. hmmmm…i would try hot chocolate! (then top it with whipped creme! yummmy!!!)

  13. I love my Keurig! We even take it camping with us. It would be great to have another one that we could leave in the camper. Thanks for an awesome give a way.

  14. I would love to try it! I have heard awesome things, my husband is a big coffee drinker but I prefer hot chocolate! This would be the best of both worlds…

  15. It’s so perfect to be able to have coffee, tea, hot cocoa or a chair latte WHENEVER you want in only minutes!

  16. Hi joy!! I would love to win so my boyfriend could enjoy all the coffee he would like and I could have tea and hot chocolate!!!

  17. My daughter is going to college this fall – great idea to get one for her for her dorm room! Or better yet – win one!

  18. Love my Keurig and would love to have another for our other home! We mostly use it for a few different coffees.

  19. heck yes! i love flavored coffees and hubby does not! this would be for ‘ME’ and that’s what i would make. ”COFFEE”.

  20. Wow…This would be a blessing…My family is so differant..I love tea.My son loves coffee,My husband loves Hot/C ..What a great give away…And to have a nice cup of tea,And crafting,And music..Does not get any better then that..:)

  21. Great giveaway! Love the Keurig! Also any post with pictures of that gorgeous Saban in it are winners already in my book! 🙂

  22. We were blessed with a Keurig gift for Christmas! I LOVE the versatility of being able to each have our choice of coffee, fast, and easy! I like my sweet coffees and he likes his black coffees! Hot water with tea bag in the cup works well too!

  23. Wow what an awesome giveaway! I would be over the moon to win this. I love hot chocolate and tea and they have some great new flavors but hubs thinks i dont need one cause i dont drink coffee. I think i may like caapacinos and of course tea and cocoa. So if i won one he couldnt say anything ha ha. Generous giveaway and thank you Joy for the chance!

  24. I’m a coffee person, so that would be it for me. Thanks for the chance to win!

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