Joys Life Resolutions for 2011

I usually don’t make New Years resolutions, but this year I’ve decided to.  Honestly, it may be the fault of the song “Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic” by the Police because I can’t get that line, “I resolve to call her up a thousand times a day, etc…“, out of my head.  It’s like Sting is having a little concert in my brain.

So this year I resolve to:

Make Scrapbook Layouts – Yep.  That’s something I don’t do…but I will!

Use My Yudu – I own one.  I’ve never used it. 😛

Use My Cricut Cake Mini – Again.  I own one.  I’ve never used it.

Release a new DVD – Yep.  You can count on that!

Release new Stamp sets – For sure. 😉

Buy Every new Machine Provo Craft Releases.  LOL! – That’s a given, but not in every color. 😉

Hmmm… want to know what I am contemplating in my personal life?  Achieving my Black Belt in martial arts, I’m a red belt now.  Don’t mess with me.  LOL! Hiking more.  I love the outdoors and hiking…not during some spring months because of my allergies. 😉  I could scare bears with my sneezing.  Reading daily.  Should I ask for a Kindle for my b’day?  I’m thinking yes.  Painting the 1/2 craft (that’s the area where I typically write my posts, but I craft in my new craft cave now.  It’s my Super Joy lair.)  Learning to kayak.  FUN! Writing more.  I’ve been working on a book that has zero to do with crafting. 😉  I’d also like to get back to a little woodworking.  I haven’t done that in a long time, but I really enjoy it.  Did you know Super Joy can build things?  Yep.  I just paper craft instead.  Hey, you can’t do everything at the same time.  Or can you?  Hmmm… my last resolution … do everything at the same time.

Happy New Year Everyone!!  Be here on Jan 4 some helpful Cricut posts!

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  1. Although I LOVE my Kindle and I love Amazon ( I know you do to) check out some of those other eReaders. Look at LOTS of reviews! Borders has one and I have been finding that books on Borders are a lot cheaper than those on Amazon. BUT you have to use an SD card for that one. I had NO idea there were so many eReaders out there. I thought only Barnes and Noble and Amazon had them out. You might be surprised with what you find! Good luck on your resolutions this year!! I made a few, some are kind of out there…but I VOW to finish one scrapbook this year. I’m 9 years behind. AND I cannot buy ANY ANY ANY scrap-booking/craft supplies for the next year (good thing I bought my gypsy and 2 cartridges yesterday) I just really want to see how much money I save if I don’t shop for stuff I don’t need. We’ll see how all that goes. Good luck!!!

  2. I love my NOOK!
    No SD card needed. I found a site that reviewed all the ereaders and for me the Nook stood out and now its in color!
    Sounds like good goals for the new year. I plan to do my best at my NEW JOB and scrap more , continue to grow in my crafting skills and make more presents for my friends and family. Look forward to seeing what you do.

  3. 🙂 When you get the…… do everything at the same time….. you MUST write a book on that. Or better yet a video!! Because I think we all need to learn that!!! 🙂 Thanks for the NEW YEARS smiles Joy!!

  4. Hmmmmmmm a red belt. I guess i had not mess with you Miss Joy. I only have one resolution. Not gonna say what it is but i hope i stick to it. Happy New Year to you and your family . Hugssss Vicky

  5. Wow, I never make resolutions, either, but this year I think it’ll be “Don’t try to keep up with Super Joy!”

    Have a fantastic 2011and thanks for including us in your great ideas and wonderful humor!

  6. Look At You Super Joy! OMGOSH! That is a lot of Resolutions! I don’t make them cause I can never stick with them! I’m just not that strong willed when it comes to them! 🙂 But I would love to see you do everything at the same time! tehehehehe that would be fun to watch! 🙂 I do wish you Good Health and Happiness in the New Year and I Look forward to seeing all the things you create! Have a Super Wonderful Day!!! 🙂

  7. I share the layout resolution with you, but that is where it ends!!! Good luck girl, but if anyone was able to do it, I believe it would be YOU! 🙂 I know I say it in every last few comments, but I can’t wait to spend the next year stalking your blog. Here’s to 2011, cheers!

    [email protected]

  8. Good luck with your resolutions! I usually don’t make many (or any) because I just can’t seem to stick to them very well, but I did make a few for this year — they’re nothing like yours, though. You’re a busy lady, and it sounds like you’ll be even busier if you intend to keep those resolutions. I sure hope keeping your resolutions doesn’t keep you from this blog because I love this blog and the great inspiration and ideas you generate.

  9. Happy New Year! You really are Super Joy! I don’t know how you get so much done! I am intrigued by this book you are writing too!

  10. Happy New Year. Loved reading your post and I highly suggest the Kindle. I love mine and so easy to use. I did a lot of research and this was the one for me. The battery lasts so long and I can download anywhere and I mean anywhere. I think the books are not expensive and the selection is fantastic. I got mine last year for my birthday and still love it! Can’t wait to see all the new things for 2011!

  11. Such an inspiration! I happened onto your blog while looking for more neat ideas to use my Cricut in my classroom. I love ALL of your ideas and can’t wait to use some of them. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  12. Super Joy:

    First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wish you the best for 2011.
    Let’s talk about new years resolutions…well, I have a lot, som of them I share with you, some are new like spend more time with my family. I just wish we could have days with 48 hours so I could accomplish everything I have in mind.

    Gina Lindsey

  13. Definitely get the Kindle!!! I absolutely love mine! There are a ton of free books out there. I did the research and it’s the best ereader out there as they use Pearl Ink technology – simply put it is not back lit and therefore easy to read when outdoors, easy on the eyes (unlike computers) and using before bed will not keep you awake unlike computers or gadgets that are backlit.

    Good luck with all your resolutions. I don’t usually make any either but this year I have a few that I intend to stick to!

    Happy 2011!


  14. Good luck with your resolutions. I’m also going to try doing layouts this year. I have seven scrapbooks that I want to complete for next Christmas. I think I better wish myself luck with that one.
    Happy New Years!

  15. Great resolutions. I would love to see your projects with the Cake & Yudu as well as see some layouts. I got the Cake machine recently and haven’t used it yet. I know I want to buy the Yudu and I’m sure to need some inspiration.

  16. Joy,
    That certainly is a lot of resolutions, and I wish you the best of luck with them all. I am looking forward to another dvd, I absolutely love the vinyl one.

  17. Joy,

    You are my super hero! If anyone can keep those resolutions I know you can.

    I have a Kimdle and love it! I commute to work (1 hr + each way) and the Kindle let’s me get new books on the road if I finish in between computers!

    Happy New Year!

  18. Oh my, Super Joy gets her black belt AND bends time in 2011. Look out! Not sure what kind of kayaking you like, but the Old Town Nantucket is just about the most perfectly balanced touring kayak, IMO. Love ours. Went for the Nook because it has a replaceable battery and the Kindle didn’t last summer (not sure if they changed it). Also, the epub format (Nook) is carried by our library system, so plenty of extra free books. Looking forward to coming along on your virtual crafting adventures. Happy New Year!

  19. Happy New Year Joy! Good luck with all of the resolutions. I resolve to not make any. I don’t need the pressure! Hahahahaha. At least I’m not making any official resolutions. Can’t wait to see your layouts though.

  20. Your resolutions sound good. Enjoy learning to kayak, I do it along with hiking and camping with my family.

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