
The Birthday Boy One of My Favorite Peeps – GIVE AWAY

Project by Joy’s Life DT Member – Susie

This fun sentiment comes from the Joy’s Life Barnyard Puns stamp set.

When I checked out the Joy’s Life Design Team page today I was thrilled to see this project by Susie.  It goes perfectly with the post I wrote below about my son’s b’day and his first Peep tasting.

Definitely one of my Favorite Peeps!

Today is my son’s birthday.  He’s now 14 and over 6 feet tall!  I remember when he was tiny AND when he had his first Easter peep.

That’s Baby Bear from Sesame Street behind him.  I was student teaching at a middle school when I was 9 months pregnant with my first son.  The kids were so sweet.  Each class threw me a surprise baby shower and I had to keep acting surprised all day.  LOL!  They had food, drinks and presents for me.  One of the gifts was Baby Bear.  Super boy #1 drug BB around for so many years.  At one point they became scarce and collectable and I had to compete for them on eBay when they would get lost.  The things we do! 😉

Gave birth one week, back for mid terms the next. Soon after…Graduation!

DH went back to school for his Master’s in Computer Science and I was getting my bachelor’s in Education.  I now tell my kids, college first, then marriage and children.  Marriage, children, college is much harder! 😉

Tonight the birthday boy will have a group of his friends over for a gaming and spend the night party.  He’s really looking forward to that.  I have to keep an ear out for him because I want to sing to him as soon as he emerges from his room.  If I want to give him a kiss, I’ll have to ask him to bend down or I’ll have to stand on a stair or two above him.  I’m quickly becoming the shortest one in the house.  They grow SO fast.

This photo was taken about 5 years ago.  He’s still a wonderful big brother.

18 months after I had Super Boy #1, Super Boy #2 was born.

Just a regular day at our house.

That’s DH, me, birthday boy, Super Daughter and Super Son #2 last July at Universal Orlando.

Happy Give Away to YOU

To celebrate the birthday boy, I’m giving away the Barnyard Puns stamp set (where I have the peeps sentiment), so be sure to leave a comment to be eligible to win.

The winner will be chosen on Wednesday, April 11 and posted here.


christineroy says:
April 7, 2012 at 2:15 PM
Happy Birthday to Super Boy #1, great pics thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about them growing fast. My baby will be 18 in May. And graduating from HS in June….Then College in the fall so I REALLY could use the stamps because I will have NO money for a few years since his sister is 19 months older than him and she is in her second year of college…(She will be at Disney for the fall semester – she got accepted to the Disney College Program- So excited for her and a bit jealous I <3 Disney!)

Don’t forget, FREE SHIPPING on ALL Joy’s Life stamps is over this Sunday.  HURRY!

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  1. yes, they do grow up fast. my daughter is 43 years old…

    a B-I-G H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-D-A-Y shout out to your son. May it be a very happy one and may he have many more.

    And, thanks for the opportunity to win such a great item I’m sure I will find many uses for the sayings. They are so “punny” (sorry I couldn’t resist the pun)

  2. Happy birthday to Super Son 1! Boys have a special place in their mom’s heart. I can’t imagine a life without my son (just turned 12 2 weeks ago!), I truly believe I was meant to be his mom. Love him so much! Thanks for sharing your pictures Joy, your family is beautiful. Happy Easter you all of you.

  3. Awww I can remember when my son was little and sure miss those days sooo much! He’s 18 now and thinks he knows everything! Happy Birthday to your son! I hope he has a great spend the night party! I remember those too sometimes they were nerve racking but now I can say I miss hearing little boys giggling!! Thanks for the chance to win this set it’s so cute! Hugs, Leanne

  4. What a beautiful family! Those sweet angel babies grow up quick don’t they! Thanks for sharing! I love love love Susie’s sweet wall hanging!

  5. Happy Birthday to your Super Son. I have 4 boys love them to pieces. Happy Easter to you all Love the card

  6. That boy is the cutest! I love his expression. All these years later I know he is still a total joy for you.

  7. Happy Birthday to Super Boy #1 , I am a mother of 4 Super Sons. My #1 is 36 and #4 is 20. I love being a mother of sons.

  8. I hope super son #1 has a wonderful birthday & party. You have a wonderful family & thanks for sharing your pics.

  9. Happy Birthday to Super Boy; and thanks for the chance for a givaway!! Happy Easter to you, too!

  10. HB to the Super Hero. How cute is this “peep?” Chicks are like kitties and puppies. All fuzzy and cuttlely when thery’re little. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  11. They grow up way too fast my oldest will be 31 in August and I have a 10 yr old plus 3 in between. Oh and 6 grandkids!! Love your pics they are so cute!! Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!!

  12. A Big Happy Birthday to your son!!!!!!!!! Hope you and your family have a Happy Easter!!!!!

  13. Happy Birthday to your #1 Son. That first is always so special regardless of the situation and how many other children we have. After all they survived our ineptness at being a first time mom. Love the Barnyard Puns too!

  14. You have a beautiful family! Happy birthday to “Super boy #1”. May all his wishes come true.

    Thank you for sharing your ideas, time and talents with us.

    scrapbooknut67114 at gmail dot com

  15. Well… HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Birthday BOY! They grow up sooo fast! Sweet story about school and family… I agree… SCHOOL first then Marriage then kids! Thats the PERFECT order! You are very blessed to have such wonderful children!
    Enjoy his Birthday and the Easter Weekend Joy! CUTE PROJECT too!


  16. Happy birthday to your son–my boys are all over 6 ft tall too. Very cute peep project and love the barnyard puns.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  17. What some awesome pictures Miss Joy its been a while since i was here. Yes they do grow up quick. My son is 33 and daughter 26 and I have 6 grandchildren. I remember bring both my kids home and how tiny My daughter was born with the Left cleft pallet and nose deformity. I worried and worried over her she lost so much weight in the beginning cause she couldn’t suck on the nipples it would take 2 hours to feed her and she would still be hungry. Would try to get an hour of sleep and she would cry for more food. After many surgerys shes great and got 2 children of her own. Found out years later son had one nostrel closed off. Makes you wonder where that all came from no one in family ever had those problems. Lifes a mystery isn’t it.

  18. Happy Birthday to your Birthday Boy. I know at 14 he is “real” happy with you sharing this with us >: ) I have a April birthday girl that will make the the mom of a TEENAGER!!! for the first time. Yes, they do grow up to fast.

  19. Happy Birthday to Super Boy #1, great pics thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about them growing fast. My baby will be 18 in May. And graduating from HS in June….Then College in the fall so I REALLY could use the stamps because I will have NO money for a few years since his sister is 19 months older than him and she is in her second year of college…(She will be at Disney for the fall semester – she got accepted to the Disney College Program- So excited for her and a bit jealous I <3 Disney!)

  20. so cute! my 2 year old is the spiiting image of the birthday boy in his “first peep” photo. I can’t even imagine my boys being so grown up!

  21. Happy Birthday to your son! Enjoyed the pics. Would love to win the stamps. Thanks for the opportunity.


  22. Happy birthday to your sweet little boy!

    I agree…college first. I had my SECOND son the last semester of my college days…the day before the first day of classes. ACK. thankfully, it snowed a freaking blizzard that night and they cancelled all classes for a week so I didn’t MISS anything. LOL! Pictures of me in my cap and gown include one of me holding a 5 month old and an almost two year old running around at my feet ignoring the camera.

  23. Happy Birthday to your son! Enjoy………. they grow so quickly. I remember my older son all excited when he got to be as tall as me and then how excited he was that he could lift his arm and I fit underneath. Happy holiday to your family.

  24. Happy Birthday to your son!!!!!!!
    sounds like a great party,
    Joy you have a super cute family….
    don’t those kids just grow so fast???
    I hope you all had a fabulous day!!!!!
    and thank you so much for the chance to win…

  25. Happy Birthday to #1. What a super family. They do grow up too fast. Mine are 24 and my # 2 is going to be 20 this yr.
    Thanks for making your blog so enjoyable.
    Mary Beth C

  26. Memories are wonderful things, aren’t they? A real gift from God. Happy day after, basking in the joy from yesterday.

  27. Happy Birthday to your son! Love the Barnyard Pun stamps. Oh, I just received my set of 4 in the mail today… Can’t wait to use them, I just completely redid my craft room! painted and added all new IKEA furniture! Love looking at your pics, can totally relate to the tall teenager. My son, 13, grows right before my eyes… seriously! We are averaging about an inch a month! He’s now taller than his older sister and ME! Time sure does fly. Have a great day and TFS!

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