SuperJoy Loves Her SuperFriends Day – GIVE AWAY

Woo hoo!  It’s the 14th of the month which means it’s SuperJoy Loves Her SuperFriends Day!!  Yay!  This is the day that I always do a give away to show you how much I appreciate you coming to Joy’s Life, because I do!  It’s great having you come by and being able to share a love of crafting with you.

I’m getting ready to have a family b’day party, so I didn’t have time for a post other than today’s Football Friday.  However, here’s a flashback of something that relates to this SJ Loves Her SF day…

Cricut Rock Princess Skull “Monster” Upcycled Drink Holder

That was so much fun to make!  (And cheap too!)


So did you guess what the Give Away is?  You did?!  You’re right!!  It’s the Cricut Rock Princess Cartridge!!


Leave a comment telling me your favorite Halloween decoration. (I love Halloween decor!)  I’ll choose a winner for the cartridge by Friday, October 21.  Woo hoo!  That’s a fun cart too.  It’s got a font with hearts on it!  By the way, I purchase all give away items (unless otherwise noted), so I hope you’ll shop through some of the links on the right hand side of my page.  I use the money from any affiliate links to fund the cost of my give aways and the hosting of this site. 😉

Congratulations to the Winner!

ChelleBelle says:
October 15, 2011 at 11:21 PM
Hello SJ, My favorite Halloween project would have to be home crafted scarecrows. Especially the one built upside down, using a pumpkin for a head, posing in a handstand pose. Looks so cute with his shirt sagging torward his neck & his straw showing. LOL We have to tie him to the light pole so the strong Oct winds don’t deter his Guiness book of records handstand!!!! Thank you so much for your generosity, creativity & wonderful sense of humor!!! I would LOVE to win that cart!!


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  1. I enjoy decorating with pumpkins in all sizes and shapes. I have two huge pumpkins that I made from privacy fence and they look so cute. Really like you drink carrier. thanks for a chance to win.

  2. Great project!!! I have these 3 1/2′ tall green aliens that I LOVE! They light up and everything, I sit one on each side of the stairs leading to my front door. Thanks for the chance to win the great cartridge!

  3. I get such great ideas from you, you are so creative! Thanks for a chance to win, I was looking at this cart. a while ago would be GREAT to win! THANKS

  4. I’d have to say my favorite Halloween decoration is candles. I love candles during any season, but they are especially fun at Halloween!

    I’d LOVE to win this cartridge! I have a LOT of cartridges, but I don’t have Rock Princess! I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

    –suebella4u at hotmail dot com

  5. Actually, my favorite halloween decoration was one from my childhood. My mom belonged to a “Craft of the Month” club and had lots of really cool kits that she made. My favorite was a black cat that was a braid of bunches of yarn around a bent piece of heavy wire to get the bend in the cat’s back and keep the tail high. It was so cool! I looked for a similar club when I got my own house to decorate, but could only find book clubs, which don’t have the convenience of the kit with all the materials and directions sent right to your door! Perhaps this is why when I had children I had so much fun planning and putting together their birthday parties and all the projects for them to work on? Anyway, SuperJoy, you’re the best!

  6. I love working with pumpkins and gourds for this time of the year. Fall is my favorite season anyway, so I get geeked!
    This cartridge would be super fun to work with, and to win! Can’t wait, and thanks so much for offering this up. I love going to all your extra links and learning about new products, that I may never of known about!

  7. My favorite is skulls and skeletons. I have a big glow in the dark skeleton and is like life size. Love it! Have never seen them since I got mine, wish I could find another one. Love your pumpkins you doing, we tried that one year and they never turned out right.
    angel hugs

  8. I use to like to carve pumpkins with my kids when they were little, but they are all grown now and have kids of their own. This year I will help my two year old granddaught to paint a pumpkin. Would love to add Rock Princess cart to my collection.

  9. My favorite would be the Halloween decorations I made aSmall bale of hay I put pumpkins and Scarcrow spiders and lots of other things. along with a big black tree and ceramic pumpkins and a ascarcrow I made.
    I would love to win this cart. thanks for the chance to win,
    [email protected]

  10. I love to decorate w/ anything handmade. Everything is better when it comes from the heart!
    Mary Beth

  11. Hi Super Joy! Thanks so much for “Super Friend” day! One of my favorite Halloween Decorations is a set of dolls that are dressed up…one boy as a scarecrow, one little girl as a witch…and they are battery operated so they move. Got these when my kids were really little and now my kids are 24 and 20! So it’s a much loved decoration, especially since the kids are out of the nest!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    happiqueen at aol dot com

  12. Thanks so much for the chance to win this cartridge! My favorite Halloween item I like to decorate with is anything that I have made. It makes it that much better knowing that I created it myself!

    I have a couple of projects I have made for Halloween up on my blog right now.

    Holly 🙂

  13. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this cart! I would love to win this! My family loves Halloween and we go all out with decorating, family dinner and best of all – the adults dress up as well – that’s my favorite part and the kids love it too!

    ncichocki at pdt dot net

  14. I enjoy decorating with witches feet. The are just so cute. I have a bowl that is supported by witch feet. Joy, you are so generous to give away items that are not donated. Thank you for the chance to win a cartridge that I dont currently own. [email protected].

  15. Hello SJ, My favorite Halloween project would have to be home crafted scarecrows. Especially the one built upside down, using a pumpkin for a head, posing in a handstand pose. Looks so cute with his shirt sagging torward his neck & his straw showing. LOL We have to tie him to the light pole so the strong Oct winds don’t deter his Guiness book of records handstand!!!! Thank you so much for your generosity, creativity & wonderful sense of humor!!! I would LOVE to win that cart!!

  16. I forgot to mention my face Halloween decoration… I’ve been wild about rosettes and recently saw a rosette wreath and I’m getting ready to make one of my own… : )


  17. Awesome! Love this cart, hope I win! My favorite halloween Decor would be anything handmade.Especially treat bags.

  18. I always like wreaths for all the holidays…I have a collection of them…I really like the scarecrows on a wreath with fall leaves and a welcome sign on it.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  19. I love my Cricut and thanks to you I have one! I saw your work and loved it! For my fist card on my Cricut I made a Witch jajaja I love it she has a broom and everything. I downloaded the list of cartridges from your site it was very helpful. Visit my blog and you will see! Thank you and I will love to win the Rock Princess Cartridge, I only have 4 and will love to have more!!

  20. Joy,That project is so wonderful.Your project last yr with deco pumpkin.was my fav.I made one it came out great.Joy

  21. I have a confession: My favorite decoration is not homemade! Does this mean I will be kicked off the team? LOL! It is a small plastic type little pumpkin made into a house with little figurines that I have had for years and my children haved loved playing with it. Now my one and only granddaughter is fascinated with it and loves to make up stories with the little goblins. It has lots of good memories attached to it…

    Hope you are having a wonderful time with your family celebrating that birthday!
    MCF’s Mimi

  22. This cartridge has already given me ideas. Hope I win. Still have never won anything. But its fun to enter. Good luck to everyone!

  23. My favorite decoration is a carved pumpkin. Each year we carve one or two pumpkins. We let our daughter decide what she wants carved. It usually goes with her costume. Thanks for a chance to win a cart. Have a great week.

    [email protected]

  24. I love everyones comments. I have gotten some really ghoulishly great ideas to try out!!! Can’t wait! I love the cartridge that your giving away. Could do so many cool things with it! I love the guitar and girly stuff my daughter Madison plays the guitar and enjoys Rockin! Out!! I guess my favorite decoration is one my mother made. She took one of my Halloween cards I received as a child and modge-podged it on to a piece of wood it’s a cat wearing a witches hat! But it is special to me because it is from my child hood and brings back fond memories of Halloweens past! One of my favorite holidays!! Thanks Joi for having this wonderful and creative site we can all go to to CRAFT-OUT!!!

  25. Hi joy! what a great cartridge! I’ve been eying it for awhile! I loved those upcycled posts! I love carving pumpkins, they are always my favorite. We always all went as a family and picked out our pumpkins and then we carved them with my mom. We always had like a hundred stencils to choose from and my mom would help us all make our pumpkins then we’d get to put them outside all lit up. good luck to everyone! the winner will be quite the lucky one!!

  26. once again thx for sharing your talent. Halloween is so fun I love the spooky decoration and love my carts that enable my spooky decorations.

  27. Hi Joy
    I love give-aways never win but fun trying HA HA HA! I just found your web site love your little garage

  28. Pumpkins, I love sees the pumpkins people put out in thier yards. Thanks for the chance to win this great cart. KimB

  29. The fast food holder is GREAT! My favorite decoration are pumpkins, lots of them! In every form. Plain, decorated, carved & fake that are pre-decorated with lights! What a fun time of year!!


  30. My son and I love all things spooky. The more spiders and webs, the bettter! Thanks for the fun!

  31. My favorite Halloween decoration is my bale of hay with my Scarecrow on a stick with fall flowers all around that I put on my front porch….I love it so much I use it every year!

  32. I love being a SuperFriend! Thank you! Clever project, and I’d been debating on this cart for some projects for my daughter. She’d love the theme! My favorite Halloween decor is anything Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas. Favorite movie all time! ;-D

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