Super Joy Loves Her Super Friends Day GIVE AWAY

There’s a give away at the bottom of this post!

Let’s pretend that today is the 14th because yesterday (the 14th) was supposed to be Super Joy Loves Her Super Friends Day!  I do a give away on the 14th of every month to thank YOU for being a part of Joy’s Life.  Yesterday, for the very first time in 2 years of celebrating the day, I forgot.  You know why?  DH and I were redesigning our den which sounds fancier than it was.

Here’s how it really went.

Me: Move the loveseat over there.
DH: moving furniture
Me: Ok, now put the couch where the loveseat was.
DH: moving furniture
Me: Alright.  Now move the recliner over there.
DH: moving furniture
Me: Ugh.  I hate it.  Move everything back like it was.
DH: Really?
Me: I hate it.  I hate, hate it.
DH: moving furniture

So, we spent the day like that.  (I heart you, DH.)  Basically, we ended up with the same layout we’d had before but we exchanged a few tables and lamps from other parts of our house.  We (meaning he) also moved a desk out of the den that will now go in the office and house a giant printer (prints 13″x19″) DH got me for Christmas.  Ok, that furniture moving story was riveting wasn’t it?  LOL!  Sure, Joy.  It’s the next Alex Crossstory plot FOR SURE!


If you haven’t tried a Xyron machine, you should!  I love these things.  They’re great for quickly making an item sticky.  All you do is insert your item into the machine, roll it through and you’ve got a sticky situation.  Actually, it isn’t messy at all which is one of the things I really love about the Xyron sticker makers.  This Xyron Create-a-Sticker 2.5-inch comes with one 20 ft. acid free permanent adhesive cartridge.

Want to see how a Xyron sticker maker works?  I use one in this video.

To be entered for a chance to win just leave a comment on this post. I’ll choose a winner on Friday, January 20 and will list the winner on this post.


Drussell says:
January 15, 2012 at 8:24 PM
Love how detailed and informative your videos are, Joy. They really give me the courage to go for it! Looking forward to lots of new craft experiences this year. Thanks Joy!

Hey, if you like Joy’s Life will you tell a friend?  I’ll make the coffee. 😉  You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.


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  1. that sounds just like how i move furniture except its my son doing the moving and then he says ok this is it it stays here lol

  2. Okay, the convo up top cracked me up! Poor, poor DH!!! LOL. But, on the bright side a good workout was had for sure! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Have a great day!

  3. WOW!!! I’d LOVE to win this! I only have the little “X” Xyron machine, which makes it hard to make stickers out of anything that’s not really tiny. This would be fantastic for those “smidgen bigger” pieces!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. OMG! That is eerie! I wrote the same story 2 weeks ago up in my work out room!!!! All because of a new TV I received for Christmas!!! Too funny! I would LOVE to win that sticky situation. Good Luck to ALL who entered!!!!

  5. Would love to win the Xyron. I have the small X one and love using it but one that is bigger would be fantastic.
    Kathy from the frozen state of Washington

  6. I need to redocorate but if it gets moved I usually have to move it. DH has a bad back. Enjoyed your video and have been eyeing the xyron’s for a bit now. I do believe they are the way to go.

  7. I’ve been so busy lately and even went to New Orleans, I’ve really been missing your blog. I’m so glad I get your email updates! Love this post and giveaway! Tfs!


  8. Awww, poor DH! What a trooper though! lol Thank you for your fabulous website. It is definitely my favorite and most inspiring!

  9. Nice video! My 6 year old loves Batman. Maybe I’ll use this idea for cupcakes on his birthday. Thanks for the share!

  10. Is there any way to use the extra sticker material that is “wasted” so it doesn’t have to be? I have the small one and haven’t used it much but recently have seen more ideas like ribbons run through and I love how yours zips across to get it off very cool. TIA! God bless, Janet

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