Super Joy Loves Her Super Friends Day GIVE AWAY

There’s a give away at the bottom of this post!

Let’s pretend that today is the 14th because yesterday (the 14th) was supposed to be Super Joy Loves Her Super Friends Day!  I do a give away on the 14th of every month to thank YOU for being a part of Joy’s Life.  Yesterday, for the very first time in 2 years of celebrating the day, I forgot.  You know why?  DH and I were redesigning our den which sounds fancier than it was.

Here’s how it really went.

Me: Move the loveseat over there.
DH: moving furniture
Me: Ok, now put the couch where the loveseat was.
DH: moving furniture
Me: Alright.  Now move the recliner over there.
DH: moving furniture
Me: Ugh.  I hate it.  Move everything back like it was.
DH: Really?
Me: I hate it.  I hate, hate it.
DH: moving furniture

So, we spent the day like that.  (I heart you, DH.)  Basically, we ended up with the same layout we’d had before but we exchanged a few tables and lamps from other parts of our house.  We (meaning he) also moved a desk out of the den that will now go in the office and house a giant printer (prints 13″x19″) DH got me for Christmas.  Ok, that furniture moving story was riveting wasn’t it?  LOL!  Sure, Joy.  It’s the next Alex Crossstory plot FOR SURE!


If you haven’t tried a Xyron machine, you should!  I love these things.  They’re great for quickly making an item sticky.  All you do is insert your item into the machine, roll it through and you’ve got a sticky situation.  Actually, it isn’t messy at all which is one of the things I really love about the Xyron sticker makers.  This Xyron Create-a-Sticker 2.5-inch comes with one 20 ft. acid free permanent adhesive cartridge.

Want to see how a Xyron sticker maker works?  I use one in this video.

To be entered for a chance to win just leave a comment on this post. I’ll choose a winner on Friday, January 20 and will list the winner on this post.


Drussell says:
January 15, 2012 at 8:24 PM
Love how detailed and informative your videos are, Joy. They really give me the courage to go for it! Looking forward to lots of new craft experiences this year. Thanks Joy!

Hey, if you like Joy’s Life will you tell a friend?  I’ll make the coffee. 😉  You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.


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  1. Love the moving furniture story. Yes, I am sure James Patterson is headed to our house now for research on his next book. LOL What a super giveaway! I have my fingers crossed.
    Oh, and a big RTR!!!

  2. I have been trying to organize my crafting supplies so I can get them off the beds in the spare room,,,I love to move furniture but usually put it back in the original space too….Zyrons are one of the best crafting tool there is…Would love to win this one..My x’s go everywhere with me…

  3. I’m new around here and just getting back into scrapbooking! Love your site, and would love to win a Xyron sticker maker, it is fabulous for using on titles

  4. I would LOVE to win the xyron. I look at them but never bought. I know the whole glitter thing would be sooooooooooooooo much eaiser with one of these. By the way your lucky your DH moved the furniture when I want to rearrange it is me and the easy gliders.

  5. Too funny! So lucky your DH was accommodating. Any furniture moving has to be done by me and some old moving blankets. I lOVE my giant printer. Epson’s over-sized presentation paper is a nice option. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. The Xyron looks like a handy dandy tool when you have inticate or small objects, like the lines on the building. The cupcake holder is really cute, but I really had to study the letters, thanks for the how to and a chance to win!!

  7. That is TOO funny! I LOVE moving furniture around…those little round disks you put under furniture really work and I can almost do ALL of it by myself. However because I don’t want my husband to feel not needed and because I love his snarky comments about running into the furniture at night because he forgets we (meaning me) have moved it, I still usually have him around when I move the big stuff. When sharing info with someone new to scrapbooking, I always share about the Xyron. It is one of the best friends a scrapper could have!

  8. GREAT story Joy!!!!
    my hubbie and I have been cleaning every room, purge purge purge!!!!! it has been great,
    I send everyone I know or meet(at Michaels LOL) to your site!!!!
    there is so much inspiration here, it is a great place to visit

  9. Thanks for the chance to win the Xyron. I have been looking into getting this for awhile and was just super excited that I have a chance to win it on your web page. Love your site! 🙂

  10. Love how detailed and informative your videos are, Joy. They really give me the courage to go for it! Looking forward to lots of new craft experiences this year. Thanks Joy!

  11. Your moving furniture story kind of sounds like how things go at my house! It’s ok to miss Super Friends Day!! You do so much I don’t know how you know which end is up!
    THanks for all you DO!!!
    Teresa K

  12. We moved are furniture around on Friday (HE). Oh what fun. Thanks for all of your FUN work you show us.

  13. My first time on your website! I was looking for cricut techniques. I love the cupcake holder. My daughter’s science teacher is a fan of all things superhero! Speaking of superheros, DH must be one to move the furniture for you! My husband is my superhero, too! He’s happy to help as long as I give him 5 minutes to finish what he’s doing. As for the sticker maker, on Thursday, I was just talking to the secretary at the elementary school where I work about investing in one. The day after that the sec said the were sold out at the store. Now how is a school going to survive without a sticker maker?!

  14. Haha that sounds about how I rearrange our furniture, my husband calls it the “royal we” lol Thanks for sharing!

    1. Homemade Mommy,
      I just had to read DH your post so he could hear the “royal we”. We both got a kick out of that. 🙂 I think “royal we” has now taken residence in my vocabulary. Thank you! 😉

  15. Oh the Xyron machine!! My boy friend wants to get me one, we just haven’t had the money for one yet! Poor college students hehe. Thank you for this amazing giveaway. 🙂

  16. Love the story….but usually its me doing all the moving of things here. Hubs is out of town quite a bit. There’s a running joke around here…he says he never knows when he’s home because its always different….LOL

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  17. We love to rearrange furniture, too….but sometimes it just doesn’t work! 🙂 Gotta love husbands, right?! 🙂

  18. I wish I had room in my living room to rearrange sometimes, but the layout pretty much prevents it! Hope you enjoy it!

  19. I would love one of these i have been debating on whether or not to get one so maybe I can win one and try it out!

  20. Love the story. I have fallen in love with the Xyron machine. I have gotten the smaller one to see if it was going to be something that I like and I fell in love with it. I am seeing where the bigger machine would come in handy. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  21. We’ve all been there with the rearranging of furniture – actually I purchased the sliders so I can do it myself as my husband always finds something else important to do when I talk about rearranging furniture! I have looked at the Xyron machines and would love to win one! Thanks for the opportunity!

  22. That’s funny! I guess that’s why I move everything myself… Have a great day and thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Wow what a great giveaway. I would love to own one of the Xyron Machines. Thank you for the chance to win and keep up all your wonderful & helpful ideas!

    cburki1111 at gmail dot com

  24. Thanks for the demo. I love the way the Cricut cuts such intricate details. I’ve wondered if I should buy the Superman cartridge and now I may just have to do that. Thank you also for showing the Xron. It always seemed interesting to me but I never saw it demonstrated. Like you, I may just have to buy (one more gadget) it for my Cricut crafting. The glue pens take forever to use on this type of design. Keep the good information coming.

  25. I would love a Zyron sticker maker – useful in so many ways and very portable! Loved your “story”!

  26. I remember my mom always rearranging furniture. We would go to school in the morning and come home in the afternoon to a different arrangement of furniture. It happened alot! LOL

    I think I need a Xyron machine! Wait!! I KNOW I need one! LOL

    Thanks for the chance to win one!

  27. Riveting! Do you think it will be available in Kindle content? Lol, j/k! Xyron is a great go to adhesive. I’m packing up for a crop this weekend and I agree with the punches. Layer Layer Layer! Now, about that printer…it sounds awesome and I’m interested. What is it? Where can I find one? How does it work (ie; from computer or what?) ?

  28. I love to rearrange furniture. I get bored with a look and have to change it. Usually 3 months I can handle it, then I change things up. Love your furniture story.

  29. Hahaha, DH and I try to move furniture around but always put it back in the original spot! I always think about traffic flow and DH just wants to change things around but after a couple of days of bumping into things or going around a piece of furniture, we put it back. Thanks for showing how to make the cupcake holder, I have such a difficult time figuring out how to put things together that I have to find a sample somewhere. Love your fun site!

  30. I too loved your story ! I’m in the mood to move my living room furniture around AFTER one more craft lesson ! I’ve only been here a few days & i’ve learned so much ! Thank you !

  31. You are too funny! That sounds like my husband and me, although lately its been painting, and he is dreading when its going to happen again!
    Thanks for a super giveaway!!

  32. the moving furniture story was funny! it happens at my house all the time! time for a change then you realize everything was placed the way it was for a reason! haha
    thanks for a great giveaway!!! 🙂

  33. Love your site…new to cricutting and your posts and pictures help A LOT! I just found out about the xyron, and was wondering which size would be the most useful. I hope I win….if not, it’s definitely on my wishlist to get. Thank you for your wonderful ideas and giveaways!

  34. =) thanks for the smiles!! Love the story!
    I have had my eye on this lil buddy, would be great to win!!
    Thanks for all you do Joy!

  35. Oh I would love to win this! Thank you so much for your tutorial on using punches. I live too far away from a scrapbook store to take a class, this was really easy to follow and helped a lot!

  36. I loved your furniture story – actually been there, done that. Thanks for the chance to win.

  37. I’m a very busy person and I’m always looking for ideas. This is a very good sorce to do that. I belong to a local Senior Citizen’s Center, Craft Class. We help the community in lots of ways. We need all the help we can get. I love Joy’s..

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