Packing for College Move In Day – The Bathroom Box

 This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and LISTERINE. All opinions are mine alone. #BackToBold #CollectiveBias

Packing a bathroom box for move in day? Hover over the photo to shop for LISTERINE®!

It’s that time again, friends!  I’m sending a kid back to college.  I just got one back, I’m shipping one off for his Sophomore year, and next year, I send off the last one.  Time surely does fly!  Since I’m packing for college move in day again, I wanted to share some ideas for preparing the bathroom box.  Yes, there should be a box just for the bathroom.  You know why?  Because as you are putting things together prior to move in day, you want to be able to take one look at and see if you’ve got those shower shoes or if you forgot they needed mouthwash, a toothbrush or towels.  As a six year veteran of sending kids off to college, I’m telling you, creating and filling labeled boxes prior to move in day will make your life so much easier.  Plus, when you get to the dorm or apartment, you know exactly where that box goes.  You’ll appreciate some simplicity on move in day, trust me.

dorm buildings outside

My kids have had a variety of dorm experiences, from a full apartment style to the dreaded “bathroom at the end of the dorm hall”.  Whatever your living arrangements, you’re going to end up needing the things listed below.  You’ll also be creating memories that last a lifetime.  Be bold!  Take classes that interest you, join a club or new sport, meet people!

Packing for College Move In Day – The Bathroom Box

bathroom moving box outside

First, label that box!  You’ll be glad you did when it’s time to move in.  Here are some of the things you’ll need.

dorm move in bathroom items

If you are sharing a bathroom, like at the end of the hall, with a bunch of people, you want shower shoes.

dorm move in bathroom items

Just about any kind of flip flops or other easy to slip on shoes that you can get wet will do.  If you want to bypass foot problems, get some shower shoes.

A shower caddy – get the kind you can carry if you have to hike there.  If you’re lucky enough to have your own bathroom, (that’s the pinnacle of college bathroom success), get a hanging shower caddy.  Even if you’re sharing a bathroom with a roommate, that shower caddy is super helpful.

If you have your own bathroom, you’ll also need a bath rug, shower curtain, shower rod, toilet paper, hand soap and bathroom cleaners.  Whew!  That’s a lot, but we’re not done.

No matter what your bathroom sharing situation is, you’ll need towels, washcloths and toiletries.  You might really like a toothbrush holder and don’t forget the mouthwash.   Go back to college feeling bold and confident.  A good start is fresh breath and a healthy, clean mouth.  LISTERINE® can help with that!

listerine target aisle

While I was getting all these things at Target, I also picked up LISTERINE® TOTAL CARE FRESH MINT Anticavity Mouthwash 1L and the LISTERINE® TOTAL CARE ZERO ALCOHOL FRESH MINT Anticavity Mouthwash 1L.  Our family has used LISTERINE® for generations, I kid you not.  So, it’s always included in our back to school bathroom box.  Both of the LISTERINE®’s that I got help prevent cavities, restores minerals to enamel and kill bad breath germs (among other benefits), but the he zero-alcohol formula has a milder taste and a less intense minty flavor.  I like that using LISTERINE® provides greater reach than brushing and flossing alone, because it gets between teeth and along the gum line.

packing bathroom box

How are your move in plans going?


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  1. I remember move in day being so chaotic – having a specific bathroom box sounds like a great way to stay organized and find all those essentials! #client

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