I’m so happy to announce that the long awaited surprise is here! The Joy’s Life Cricut Cartridge Checklist you’ve come to love is NOW AVAILABLE as an app for Android-based phones and tablets (with Android version 2.2 or higher) in the Android Market. The best news of all?  It’s FREE.

Look for “My Cartridge Checklist” in the Android Market.  Here’s a link: My Cartridge Checklist App or you can click the Android Market box below.

Available in Android Market

Here’s a link about: How to Use the App.

My iPhone and other idevice friends, don’t worry.  I don’t have a release date for you yet but there will be an app for you too!

Available in Android Market

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  1. Netherland. I can’t see the app in the app store and if I try to download it on my computer so I can later instal this on my phone. The app store says this app can’t be installed on the phone in my country.


  2. That’s AWESOME Joy! Congrats on turning it into an APP! Of course I can’t use it… 🙁
    Cause I don’t have a cell phone! (GASP) I just don’t see the need for one…. But I’m thrilled for you
    and everyone else who has one and can download it! 🙂


  3. I tried to install this on my nook tablet and it didn’t work. If anyone knows of another way to do I’d really like to know . Hopefully there is.

  4. Thanks Joy!!! I’ve downloaded it and checked off which ones I currently own…some I had even forgotten about!!!

  5. Just downloaded it for my phone–thanks a lot…I’ve tried a few ways to keep track of my cartridges but having the list on my phone will be super.

  6. This is the BEST app on my phone! I can never remember what we have and although we have printed and updated the list you have on your website, I never have it with me. Thanks so much!!!!

  7. can you tell me where i can find a version that is not for android? i have a blackberry and would love to use this also. i feel left out all the time 🙁

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