Coffee Java Joe Card…

Do you heart this coffee card I made? I lurve it!! It was created because I bought a bunch of that coffee paper to make my BFF cards for her b’day and ended up not using that paper at all. So sad. While I was looking at the paper and crying (kidding), I decided to use a little bit of everything I had within reach. I had a good ole time…while DH was trying to work at the desk behind me. Have I told you I have a “1/2 craft”? Yep. DH and I share an office and I redesigned my side as a craft room, but I only have 1/2 of the office so it’s now a girly 1/2 craft. He was sad when I added a pink DVD player to my side. Though he is starting to make plans to watch his “man shows” on it…like “the Unit”. So, it will be a tad “man”ized.

Here’s the Coffee Card Recipe:

IDK who makes that red paper.  I bought it off etsy.
Ribbon = Hobby Lobby
Brown paper = Chocolate Chip (Stampin Up)
Turquoise paper = Spring Rain Paper Trey (it’s mounting the coffee pot paper)
Coffee paper = What’s Cooking Collection – Coffee Talk by Flair Designs (found at Archiver’s)
Cuttlebug Folders = Swiss Dots (it’s mounting the coffee pot paper) and Tiny Bubbles
Ink – Chocolate Chip by Stampin Up

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  1. Very nice! I love coffee and would love it if I get a card like this in the mail. 🙂

  2. Awww, you’re all so sweet!! Thank you!!!
    Now, I’m thinking about doing some give aways after I get some more people coming to the blog…:)

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