Panda Bear Card with All Around Sentiments Stamps

Look what Jin created with my stamps!  This is soooo cute!!

This is Pan-Dee.  Jin writes stories about him.

Isn’t he CUTE?!  You have to read Pan-Dee’s adventures at Jin’s site.  Jin used my All Around Sentiments stamp set to create the wheels.  ADORABLE!!  I love it!

Happy Holidays my Friends!!

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  1. Too cute!! Love your stamps. I’m hoping Santa brings me some. He will if he knows what’s best for him 😉

  2. What a clever way to use your stamps! Jin is awesome, and so is MTC. Now all I need are those stamps for Christmas so I can attempt to make a card half as cute!

  3. Such a cute card! I like that the stamps are a part of the wheels — thinking outside the box.

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